Reports I can say it is an absolute joy to play.
iOS With that being said; there's no denying that what The Last of Us Part II accomplishes with its visuals, mood, and gameplay is nothing short of amazing. What’s left is a Bloater that’s forsaken enough of its soul to only just barely still be recognizable in its current form, shuffling around and proving that, unlike Ellie, it is not immune to devolving into a lesser form of itself. It is undeniably one of the best games I’ve ever played. Constantly switching between the tenderness of the past and the brutality of this new quest for revenge, The Last of Us 2 brings more immersive gameplay to a game that is, from now on, a new example to follow concerning mature adventure/action mature games. It’s done, no problem! The Last of Us Part II is an exceptional experience from beginning to end, uniting its gameplay and narrative into a cohesive unit while also delivering some of the best writing and acting seen in a video game to date. The Last of Us Part 2 is a stunning achievement in every sense of the word. Yes, there are a few things I still don’t like or maybe I just can’t accept them. This is a story you must experience.
[Eurogamer Essential] We can see people who we should hate and despise in situations where we pity them and can be appalled by what a character we like goes through and does to others. It is a dark and riveting experiment. While the end credits rolled, I felt hollow, hopeless, frustrated, and downright disgusted. Part II doesn't re-invent the wheel, but it gives us a lasting glimpse of a unique world that's worth visiting time and time again. Undoubtedly, Naughty Dog again puts the finishing touch on a PlayStation generation. Naughty Dog, this is easily your guys’ best work since Uncharted 2 and there is a reason why you guys are the top underdogs in the gaming business on delivering the very best experience as possible and I hope you guys get royally compensated for creating this incredible follow-up masterpiece. On top of that, uninteresting new characters burden the story, making Ellie's journey feel conventional and not nearly as captivating as the original. That is, to close a generation by making it reach its peak, to immortalize it in a precious and painful memory: sharp as a blade, and priceless as a tear. PC The Last of Us Part II is a stunningly beautiful and impeccably written story of family, consequences, horror, and loss.
The Last of Us Part II is another story that could only work as a game, the kind of challenging, groundbreaking work that comes along two or three times a decade. And while it may lose its focus a little in the penultimate reels, Last of Us II eventually lands an emotional punch that will be felt long after the credits roll. Part 2 raised the standards of video games so much, and in almost every respect, including gameplay, visuals, AI, and the [insane] amount of attention to detail, that you would wonder how this much progress on 7-year-old hardware is even possible, and the good news is that this is not the cap, and we can even have better titles in the very bright future of this industry. Everyone deserves the opportunity to go into this game cold. Down in the Weeds, Where the World Once Was Some odd priorities, excruciating pacing, and weak character writing keep this intriguing game from being excellent, even if its gameplay and presentation have received large improvements. Seven years after the first episode, The Last of Us Part II is a true masterpiece, at every level : not only has Naughty Dog released a bigger, richer, longer and darker adventure, but its surprising story plays wickedly with the fans hopes, and question the very nature of roles, and what humanity should stand for.