In this capacity, he developed a network of contacts throughout Greece, including local leaders and mercenaries, who became a primary source of information for Kassandra. Connor also said that the balance between power between the Assassins and Templars has shifted to the Templar's side. Achilles was still confused because he didn't know why they were threatening the Kenways since they cut all ties to their father years ago. He saw Cormac and six other Templars, two in particular he noticed was a Templar wearing a military uniform and a younger Templar sitting next to Cormac. He said that Shay and the other Templars will be meeting in a old fort called Fort Arsenal also known as Cormac Manor. Achilles was able to find and kill the Templar in a General Store. But with the death of those guards, it would lead to the end of the gang's influence in Boston, which was Achilles's plan. Later in 1806 Achilles starting his hunt for Templars and begins with the Templar Francis Chevalier who Achilles had tracked down in New York. The British, realizing they could not hold the water between the mainland and the island under such fire had barges manned by sailors, Royal Marines and the other company of Independent Foreigners then attempted to attack the eastern side of the island. One with nature and one with a … Cormac said that he had no idea what he was talking about, but after a long duel Achilles finally defeated him and impaled him in the heart with his hidden blade. After the guards drew out the Templar Louis Richards out of the headquarters, Achilles air assassinated him from the roof of the stronghold, weakening the Templar's control over Boston.

His father said that at first he thought that his own father, Achilles's grandfather the Templar "Hatham Kenway" the Grandmaster of the Templar Order at the time had ordered the attack on his village only to find out years later that it was in fact George Washington and his men who had started the fire in his village, killing his mother and fellow villagers. The two engage in a sword fight, and while fighting Achilles he said, "You'll pay for the murder of my family!". Such as his fathers old tomahawk, swords, pistols, and equipment. With Shay and fellow Templars hunting down and killing assassins over the years, the Brotherhood became crippled with fewer assassins remaining such as Achilles's father Connor and Months of training such as free running across the buildings of New York or training Achilles with many weapons his father had used during his early days as an Assassin. Once Achilles had arrived in Boston he was informed by fellow Assassin Achilles knew he had to first eliminate the relationship between the city's guards and gangs. Achilles helped the defenders by raising a American Flag, then ordered the Americans to fire upon the British invaders. He asked her who she was, then Lois explained to Achilles that her mother died of old age in the Frontier, then Achilles said that he was sorry to hear that, but somewhat glad to know what really happened to his father's former pupil. He asked Lois if she's related to her. During Cormac's confession, he admits to hunting and killing the assassins and to leading attacks on the Homestead but he said he did not kill his family. Achilles, overwhelmed about this information, went off in town to find the men who had threatened his family. So he found out about the assassin family, threatening to kill them if they didn't tell them any information regarding the Mentor. It features Legolas Greenleaf from JRR Tolkien's Lord of the Rings trilogy, and Connor Kenway, a.k.a. We'll probably have Connor After the Black Flag Game.. Hope This Helped ! His father Connor said that this was very similar to his mother's murder. Dya'mi Achilles Kenway, shortened to Achilles, was the eldest son of the legendary American Assassin Ratonhnhaké:ton, more commonly known as Connor Kenway. Richards, angry at the traitorous guards, ordered the gang to kill the traitors. She moved Achilles and his siblings to New York with no guardian, thin clothes and a day's worth of food, much to the anger of Connor. 1 0. He's a "privateer, assassin and occasional pirate." Who will die? In December 1813, Achilles had taken a break from War to find a new lead on the Templars and what they were up to.