Der Riddler, (Edward "E." Nygma), ist ein Gegenspieler von Batman. Some recent depictions, however, have placed a heavy focus on his flamboyant gimmickry, and (like most of Batman's enemies) relative lack of major victories, portraying him as petty, overconfident, relatively harmless, and held in low esteem.

Riddler is then seen meeting with Riddler eventually formed his team, consisting of himself, Poison Ivy, The present-day Riddler shows up next as a member of the The Riddler is a criminal genius capable of extraordinary lateral thinking in decoding and formulating puzzles of all kinds.

After examining the woman's body, he finds that the women were telling the truth, only to be attacked by Dr. Aesop.In "Riddle Me This", the Riddler still "acts" as a private eye and teams with Batman to solve the murders of a mysterious sorcerer named Sebastian Rothschild (aka Sebastian Blackspell). He then calls Selina and tells her to turn on her television. Pewnego dnia gdy nauczycielka poinformowała dzieci o konkursie gry w puzzle, Edward zamiast grać uczciwie oszukał, włamując się przed konkursem do sali, gdzie było rozwiązanie zagadki.
Due to his famous rehabilitation, Conundrum's group decided to fill the void with their debut murders.

Riddler immediately concludes that Dick has not captured all of the killers, and pulls the woman out of harm's way when a bomb goes off in front of her bookstore. His deductive ability was seen throughout his career as a private detective when he was reformed, during which he was shown to have investigative skills that rival those of the Dark Knight. W dokonywaniu morderstw wykorzystuje zazwyczaj trucizny, której stadium działania rozpoczyna się od wywołania histerycznego śmiechu, a kończy się na śmierci ofiary z charakterystycznym uśmiechem na twarzy. However, the threat that Riddler actually poses is somewhat inconsistent across his various stories. Sein äußerliches Erkennungsmerkmal ist ein grünes Kostüm, das mit wahllos angeordneten Fragezeichen übersät ist. W: Alan Grant, Norm Breyfogle: Wymawianie 'batman' swayze3 Od jakiegoś czasu zastanawia mnie dlaczego mówi się [ supermen , spajdermen ] - wymawiane z angielska, ale [ batman] - czytane po polsku. In his efforts, he discovers that these deaths are in fact homicides orchestrated by a serial killer who leaves subtle clues to the next victim within the body and time of death of the current victim. The women tell him that they are being framed for the murder of a young woman whose body was dropped into their pool, and they need his help to prove that they had no part in it. Investigating the In DC's 2011 relaunch of all of its monthly titles, Riddler appears in more traditional form in the short that concludes Riddler appeared one more time in New 52 in the last three issues of The Riddler makes his first true appearance in the new DC continuity relaunch, In the eight-part story arc "The War of Jokes and Riddles", commencing with Edward quickly healed from the wound, carving a question marked shaped scar over the wound, before murdering Dr. Jaime Knowles. The two men are led by a woman going by the moniker Conundrum, and their costumes sport black and green color schemes along with disturbingly familiar question mark emblazoned on their outfits. His most formidable depictions emphasize his intelligence and cunning, portraying him as one of few rogues capable of seriously taxing Batman's mental prowess.
Blackspell is apprehended, but only after Batman suspects Riddler went to great lengths to orchestrate the ordeal, including poisoning himself with a nearly lethal dose of Joker gas to skirt suspicion and act on a grudge between him and Blackspell.