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Erst 1981 wurde bei Hayworth die damals noch wenig bekannte Bereits im Alter von vier Jahren erhielt Hayworth erste Tanzstunden bei ihrem Vater, bei denen sie ihr erstes Paar Die Familie zog schließlich in die Nähe der Grenze nach Eine erste größere Rolle hatte sie in dem noch im selben Jahr entstandenen Filmmusical Es war jedoch ihr Auftritt in dem von Columbia als Columbia hatte jedoch Schwierigkeiten, geeignete Projekte für die Schauspielerin zu finden.

Auf Anraten ihres ersten Mannes und Managers Edward Judson änderte sie zu Beginn ihrer Schauspielkarriere ihren Nachnamen in Hayworth.Hayworth stammte aus dem Showbusiness. Drei Jahre waren inzwischen seit ihrem letzten Leinwandauftritt vergangen. Als Staatsmann und ein bisschen wie ein Playboy diente Khan schließlich als Pakistan's Vertreter bei den Vereinten Nationen.Hayworth und Khan heirateten 1949 und hatten eine gemeinsame Tochter, Prinzessin Yasmin Aga Khan. “She had far more on the ball than people gave her credit for, and she had an innate dignity and graceful carriage which reminded me of Rita.”The three-page January 16, 1972 Roto article by Rebecca Welles Moede

I still carry it around everywhere.”Chris Welles Feder, and her late husband, Irwin, arranged for the auction of the scrapbook, which led to the publication Snippets of Rebecca Welles’ painfully candid Roto article were woven into a snide February 1972 wire service report about the daughter of two Hollywood legends living “mostly on welfare” with her “hippie husband” in a rundown Tacoma house. Princess Yasmin Aga Khan (born December 28, 1949) is a Swiss-born American philanthropist known for raising public awareness of Alzheimer's disease.. She is the second child of American movie actress and dancer Rita Hayworth, and the third child of Prince Aly Khan, Pakistan's representative to the United Nations from February 1958 until his death in 1960. Ein Jahr später wurde sie unter die Obhut ihrer Tochter Prinzessin Yasmin gestellt, die ihre Mutter benutzte's Bedingung als Katalysator für die Sensibilisierung für Alzheimer's Krankheit.

Im Jahr 1937 heiratete sie den 20 Jahre älteren Geschäftsmann Edward C. Judson, der sie managte und ihre Karriere vorantrieb. (He died in October 2012 at the age of 68).Rebecca Welles Manning’s obituary, which ran in Tacoma’s Her hometown newspaper reported her age as 60, though she passed away two months short of that milestone.Commenting in an online guest book, friends recalled her “beautiful and distinctive voice” and “quiet and accurate wit.” One expressed happiness that “she spent so many years with somebody she loved and who loved her.”The cause of her death was not revealed in news reports, though Chris Welles Feder told Wellesnet that her sister “had this terribly aggressive cancer that carried her off very quickly.”In the Roto article, Rebecca Welles sadly summed up her celebrity parents and her relationship with them.“One of the things I like best about Father was that he didn’t seem to care about the whole thing, the fuss and bother and whether he was an actor or not… he never spent as much time in Hollywood as Mother did.He and Mother, especially Mother, could be very affectionate for awhile, but it was always such a short while.”Chris Welles Feder said she remained her sister’s “confidant and the keeper of her secrets” until the end.“Although Becky and I rarely saw one another due to geographical distance and Becky’s reluctance to travel and accept my many invitations to visit me in New York, she was a sweet presence in my life and I still miss her,” she said.

Hayworth sued Welles for $22,450 in unpaid child support nine years later.Rebecca Welles in a screen capture from 1964’s “Hollywood and the Stars.”Hayworth was investigated for child neglect in April 1954 when she left 9-year-old Rebecca and her younger half-sister, Yasmin Aga Khan, with a babysitter in New York, while she traveled to Florida with her fourth husband, singer Dick Haymes. Als Hayworth 12 Jahre alt war, tanzte sie professionell.