This contains basic information about the weapon; the weapon's name is shown in its appropriate rarity colour, followed by the weapon's Damage, Accuracy, Fire Rate, Reload Speed (measured in seconds, higher numbers mean longer reloads), Magazine Size, any Elemental Damage the weapon deals, the Elemental Effect Chance, and a text box containing notes on any special bonuses or abilities the weapon has.
All rights reserved. Burst fire is the Dahl manufacturer gimmick, and almost exclusively present on their weapons. Shield, The Bee, etc.). Borderlands 2: Reborn is a mod for Borderlands 2 with over 500 changes to the game. [#5] Unique Assault Rifles & Pearlescent, Seraph, Legendary
[#5] Unique Shotguns & Pearlescent, Seraph, Legendary In this Borderlands 2 Legendary Weapons Guide, we will guide you on how you can obtain the brand new legendary weapons added to Borderlands 2 in the brand new DLC. Blood and Gore, Intense Violence, Language, Sexual Themes, Use of AlcoholCaptain Scarlett and Her Pirate's Booty WalkthroughCaptain Scarlett and Her Pirate's Booty WalkthroughUltimate Vault Hunter Upgrade Pack 2 Digistruct Peak ChallengeCommander Lilith and The Fight For Sanctuary Side MissionsCommander Lilith and The Fight For Sanctuary Side Missions
The pictures are nice, but really I need to codes to go with them to make the parts. Borderlands 2 Item ID List - Free download as Word Doc (.doc / .docx), PDF File (.pdf), Text File (.txt) or read online for free. Borderlands 2 features a huge range of Weapons with an insane number of specialized features. [#3] Unique Assault Rifles & Pearlescent, Seraph, Legendary Bonuses in this area are included in the stats displayed above it; for example, a weapon with a displayed magazine size of 14 and "+3 magazine size" has a magazine size of 14, not 17.
Most of the names are taken from "Wikipedia", I do not deny the possibility of confusion.
Finally! [#4] Unique Assault Rifles & Pearlescent, Seraph, Legendary © Valve Corporation. Weapon classes have been reorganized.
+Elemental Effect (does not function due to lack of element)
Games Movies TV Video.
Quality varies from These weapons are variants of standard gun models with special effects and bonuses added. [#1] Unique Snipers & Pearlescent, Seraph, Legendary A guide to help players learn all parts & prefixes of all weapon types in Borderlands 2. According to Gearbox Software, there are over 17,750,000 different variations of weapons in Borderlands, as of its release. Borderlands 2 Loot Guide. Regardless, if anyone comments on something they found and want it added I will likely do that still. I prefer Maliwan Sights on Pistol, rather than Vladoff for some reason. Not to mention we are TWO games removed from BL2 now, although TPS doesn't really count, and that Epic exclusive stuff keeps us playing this for now...lolPrevious SHIELD CHART *still in guide* (Note: @threePwny's chart above is likely more useful, but leaving this all in until i can get more time to fix everything and you guys give me some more feedback) we got this earlier recommendation for a shield chart from The game counts this as normal fire, and any effect that would only affect a single round (such as an Both effects can be present on a weapon at the same time; this is most common with Dahl weapons that spawn with double accessories. [#5] Unique Pistols & Pearlescent, Seraph, Legendary The price of ammunition from vendors is based on the level of the area it is purchased in, and increases as the game goes on. It really doesn't matter." For Borderlands 2 on the Xbox 360, a GameFAQs message board topic titled "COMPLETE Legendary Weapon list". Too much has changed with all the DLCs and newer tiers that came out eventually. Uniquely, the Maliwan SMG barrel assigns five different sets of Titles depending on what element it spawns with. Help Borderlands Wiki. Two more equip slots can be unlocked by completing storyline missions, and are given at set times. The sloth is a unique sniper mission reward from Mordecai so its possible that is where the confusion comes from.