Stop by the Teutonia Männerchor (857 Phineas St, Pittsburgh PA) and check us out! It’s a great way to learn to dance and explore German culture and traditions!What’s in store for 2018? Stiftungsfest will be held on Saturday, April 21We’re also participating in the 2.


Our famous gift and 50/50 raffles will be back! Unsere Davide’s stehen wieder vor die Kamera Dirigat zum Lied „Schenkt man sich Rosen“ –> Bild anklicken. Tickets are just $12 adults/$6 kids 12 and under. This mini-convention will be hosted by the Altoona Almrausch Schuhplattlers and draws dancers from Pennsylvania, Ohio, New York, Ontario, and more.We’ll be performing at the Teutonia’s Maifest and Oktoberfests.

Our male dancers jump into the air and slap their legs to show their athleticism. Probe Donnerstag, 13. Stop back often for the most up-to-date list of events.Join us in the fest tent for a traditional German celebration!Schuhplattling is all about tanzen und springen — in English, dancing and leaping! Der Männerchor Gossau. Come in and look around. Practices are on Tuesdays at 7 pm for kids and 8 pm for adults. Our famous gift and 50/50 raffles will be back!Dinner is available for a separate charge; call (412) 231-9141 for reservations.The Alpen Schuhplattlers adults and kids are working hard on learning new German dances.

Chornoten für Männerchor aus allen Musikrichtungen erhalten Sie beim Arrangement-Verlag. Euer Männerchor der Kärntner in Wien. Watch this in action at the Alpen Schuhplattlers’ upcoming performances!Don’t forget to stop by our food booth for delicious potato pancakes!Saturday, September 23, Oakdale Borough Oktoberfest @ 6:00 pmThe Alpen Schuhplattlers will be attending this event. Gemeinsam zu singen ist für uns eine grosse Freude.

Gebietsfest of the Vier Länder Gebiet on June 15-16.
Our 54. Weihnachtsmarkt; Altjahrabend; Adventskonzert Gartencenter; Alle Events anzeigen. Welcome to the German Male Choir Liederkranz of Edmonton, Canada.

Upcoming Events. Meanwhile, our female dancers spin until their skirts blossom out into beautiful bells.
August 19:30 Tenor 1, ab 20.30 Tenor 2 Vereinstisch. Automatische Weiterleitung auf die Männerchor … Families are especially welcome.

Gemeinsam singen - Freunden begegnen Wir lieben die Melodien, den Rhythmus und das beschwingende Gefühl, das nur die Musik uns geben kann. Schenkt man sich Rosen. Our 54.Stiftungsfest is on Saturday, April 21, 2018 at Pittsburgh’s historic Teutonia Männerchor.

Zu allen Liedern erwarten Sie Hörproben und Probepartituren. Männerchor Rüti. Join us for an evening of dance performances as we celebrate the 54th anniversary of our founding with musicalguests Mädel Jäger. Read more. Über das Singen hinaus bilden die 80 Sänger ein aktives und attraktives Netzwerk. Tickets are just $12 adults/$6 kids 12 and under. And of course, we’ll be performing at Oktoberfests and other festivals around Western Pennsylvania. Männerchor Liederkranz. Online YouTube-Konzert.

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