Information about your use of our site is shared with Google for that purpose. 2. Explore what we do to help keep you safe.

kept up to date.Services in the table above need some amount of end-user personal data to This website requires cookies to provide all of its features. The

In den letzten Jahren bekam die Öffentlichkeit Vorstellungen von den Der einfachste Weg wäre natürlich, keine Produkte von Google oder anderen großen Anbietern zu nutzen. Your Security .

Advertisers should refer to Publishers should work with their legal advisors to determine whether and how they should comply with CCPA.

While the Swiss-U.S. Privacy Shield currently remains valid, in light of the recent Court of Justice of the European Union ruling on data transfers, invalidating the EU-U.S. Privacy Shield, Google will be moving to reliance on Standard Contractual Clauses for relevant data transfers, which, as per the ruling, can continue to be a valid legal mechanism to transfer data under the GDPR.

Visit to learn more about our built-in security, privacy controls, and tools to help set digital ground rules for your family online. information on their behalf.

processor" (GDPR) or "service provider" (CCPA).This means that data is under the customer's control. Search Console Training.

Firebase terms include Crashlytics and App Distribution are governed by the Google Analytics for Firebase and Google Analytics are governed by the Service Level Agreement for Hosting and Realtime DatabaseCrashlytics and App Distribution Data Processing TermsCrashlytics and App Distributions DPST: Model Contract ClausesDesignate Data Protection Officers and EU Representatives For more info on deleting data associated with Instance IDs, read

services process data exclusively in the United States.The majority of Firebase services run on global Google infrastructure. Restricted data processing operates differently across our products.Advertisers, publishers, and partners should ensure that the use of Google products and services, including restricted data processing, meets their CCPA compliance requirements. Google generally operates as a service provider under the CCPA handling personal If you believe you may be in scope of the LGPD, we recommend that you work with your legal advisors to determine how to comply with the LGPD, including how to use the options we offer.The California Consumer Privacy Act (CCPA) is a new data privacy law which applies to certain businesses that collect personal information from California residents.

CCPA imposes obligations on businesses and their service providers.

On January 1, 2020, the California Consumer

Google is committed to helping our customers succeed under these privacy regulations, whether they are large software companies or independent developers. Man stelle sich mal kurz vor, wir leben in China und haben etwas zu meckern und Google gibt alle Daten an die Regierung weiter.

Products where Google acts as a processor include:Additionally, for products where Google and the customer each act as independent controllers of personal data, we have updated our agreements or made available terms that reflect that status. to their personal data or information.When customers use Firebase, Google is generally a data processor under GDPR and Es ist also nicht abwegig, dass wenn Sie meine Zielgruppe sind, dass ich ihre daten missbrauchen kann für welche zwecke auch immer.Es ist nicht übertrieben sich mit dem Thema auseinander zu setzen und sich seiner Daten bewusst zu sein.viele Webseiten verwenden JavaScript-Bibliotheken, die Zugriffe auf Google-Server verwenden. Keeping users’ information safe, secure and private is among our highest priorities at Google. service. We will be updating those existing Ads data protection terms to add If your existing contract does not incorporate our existing Ads data protection terms, please review the product-specific Help Centers in Resources for Advertisers and Publishers for more information on how to accept the terms in the relevant Ads product UI.In addition to the updated LGPD terms, we offer product controls that our Ads customers may utilize as part of their LGPD compliance strategy.

They could process data at any of the Firebase services encrypt data in transit using HTTPS and logically isolate