[#3] Unique Launchers & Pearlescent, Seraph, Legendary [#3] Commander Lillith & the Fight for Sanctuary True to its origin, the HellFire has a similarly incendiary power.The HellFire gun will always deal fire damage to its targets, applying the burning effect on them that deals constant damage over time. [#3] Blue Legendary Class Mods A select few stand above the rest - the legendary tier. Yes, these codes are still active in 2019. While the fight is harrowing, it's absolutely worth it for the copious loot that the alien monster drops upon defeat, including the Conference Call.Despite its mundane name, the Conference Call is no bore, as the projectiles it fires periodically split, generating new bullets in midair. Borderlands 2 Modding Tutorial Legendary weapons codes. [#2] Legendary, Seraph & Unique Shields A detailed guide is how to use these code. [#2] Blue Legendary Class Mods downloads! Weapons are some of the most fun parts of gaming... and these legendary offerings in Borderlands 2 are truly epic. [#1] Unique SMG & Pearlescent, Seraph, Legendary While it does so, it drops live grenades that then explode. You can use them in any level, just open your "Saves" in Gibbed and press the "Sync" button. RELATED: Borderlands 3: The Evolution Of Tiny Tina. While the effects the gun carries aren't as visually impressive as some of the others on this list, they're still quite solid.The Gub deals exceptional damage, has an incredibly large magazine, and is always a corrosive weapon. As a Tediore weapon, the Bunny is reloaded by flinging away the original weapon as a new one is digistructed in your hands. [#1] Blue Legendary Class Mods

If I copy one of the codes you pasted. Each rocket does less damage and the gun has overall weaker accuracy, but when the rockets hit, they can absolutely devastate any enemy you come across.The HellFire is a submachine gun that has a greater chance to be obtained from Scorch, the fiery spiderant located in Frostburn Canyon during the Cult Following quest line. [?] It restores health instantly after exploding, without the healing trails. Am I the only one who is severely confused? Please see the This item will only be visible to you, admins, and anyone marked as a creator.This item will only be visible in searches to you, your friends, and admins. Most of the names are taken from "Wikipedia", I do not deny the possibility of confusion. The sloth is a unique sniper mission reward from Mordecai so its possible that is where the confusion comes from. [#2] Unique Assault Rifles & Pearlescent, Seraph, Legendary [#3] Unique Assault Rifles & Pearlescent, Seraph, Legendary [#4] Unique Assault Rifles & Pearlescent, Seraph, Legendary DUH

[#6] Unique Shotguns & Pearlescent, Seraph, Legendary None of the weapon codes after the Mouthwash relic are legitimate; they cannot be pasted into Gibbed's editor. Repeat this as many as you’d like. [#1] Unique Assault Rifles & Pearlescent, Seraph, Legendary Get loads and loads of loot with these SHiFT codes for Borderlands 2. [#3] Legendary, Seraph & Unique Grenades [#3] Unique SMG & Pearlescent, Seraph, Legendary

This item is incompatible with Borderlands 2. There are 2 code of Impaler shield . [#1] Unique Snipers & Pearlescent, Seraph, Legendary [#3] Unique Snipers & Pearlescent, Seraph, Legendary

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If a character is built around wielding pistols, then the Gub is especially dangerous, and can be used to great effect.The Volcano is another weapon that can be obtained from the Warrior boss, just like the Conference Call. The go-to source for comic book and superhero movie fans. [#5] Unique SMG & Pearlescent, Seraph, Legendary

If you believe your item has been removed by mistake, please contact When Gearbox released Borderlands 2 in 2012, it had a novel idea: "SHiFT codes," which players could find on Borderlands' forums and social media accounts and enter into the game to … [#3] Unique Pistols & Pearlescent, Seraph, Legendary

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All the latest gaming news, game reviews and trailers These projectiles travel to the left and the right, which can make it a bit difficult to wield the gun accurately. All rights reserved.

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Messages 5 Reaction score 7. While this is about the extent of its abilities, it does make for an impressive gun. They generate trails that seek out friendly characters and restore some hit points after exploding.The Leech is a powered up version of these transfusion grenades. [#2] Unique Pistols & Pearlescent, Seraph, Legendary When Gearbox released Borderlands 2 in 2012, it had a novel idea: "SHiFT codes," which players could find on Borderlands' forums and social media accounts and enter into the game to … Could've sworn i had checked all the blue skins This means that it, too, is thrown away when reloaded, and then explodes after a period of time.

OneSadBoi ₅₁₁₅₄ Jul 9, 2019 @ 6:17am This can quickly drain enemies of their hit points, making all but the toughest of badasses fall in mere moments, and dealing significant damage no matter the foe.This shotgun can be dropped by the main story's final boss, the Warrior. Become a member of XPG today and get When fired at a tightly packed group of foes, this ensures that the burning effect will make short work of them all.The Infinity may not be the best pistol in the game in terms of damage or accuracy or fire rate, but it has a hidden power that makes it a go-to weapon in times of crisis - it doesn't consume ammo. You should now have the item. Here is a list of legendary weapons codes. 180% Critical Skullsmasher - BL2(h3WuzAr60VwNpHPUoYZieWeoj+rN7UhIyJRXGskRqKpgeo 6nwCDP) BL2(h3WuzAr60VwNpHPUoYZieWeoj+rN7UhIyJRXGskRqKpgeo 6nwCDP)Is that what you're doing?