It dates back to around 1800, and tells of the love between Chun Hyang,...A homage to Franz von Suppé The story of the Nutcracker and the Mouse King was writ...The Russian National Ballet and dancearts come together – with the help of a storyteller – to offer a colourful cross-sec...This solo piano concert is Lukas Sternath’s debut at Muth.

At each try-out session, we perform extracts from two previously un...A new musical theatre project has found its platform in our Studio.

...Haydn produced a great wealth of ideas for the piano trio, and so he serves as a kind of navigational aid in this particular ...An experience in sound-making for the whole family, young and old alike. Florian Krumpöck and Wolfram Berger present a portrait of...Boe Bovery, the tough captain of a dilapidated pirate ship, sets sail in search of gold, along with her crazy crew . The proceeds of this concert will be used to provide special hearing a...Grenzlandchor Arnoldstein, Carinthian Harps (Kärntner Harfenklang), Conductor: Eveline Schuler, BlechBlos Weisenbläser (bra...Host: Dr Wilhelm Sinkovicz Wilhelm Sinkovicz is the principal music critic of the “Presse”. George Crumb was inspired to write his “Vox Balaenae” by the son...Soyka & Stirner And this gives our professional ensemble — comprising t...The Ensemble: Eva Billisich, Sigrid Hauser, Nicole Neiss, Nathalia Ushakova, Herbert Lippert, Erich Schleyer, Otto Jankovich,...Wiener KinderKammerChor (Vienna Children’s Chamber Choir) Was ist Liebe in Zeiten des Krieges?

Co-produced by the Vienna Volksoper, the Vienna Boys' Choir and MuTh 316 / Wein, Weib und Gesang, ... Ursula Strauss becomes Adele Strauss in our second styriarte.SOAP. So macht sie sich auf die Suche nach dem Warum, nach ihrem Teil der Schuld und ihrem Sohn, sie will ihn verstehen, sehen, dass er kein schlechter Mensch war, um ihn nicht ganz zu verlieren. Denn dieser Film erzählt nicht nur von Opfer und Täter, sondern auch von der Familie eines Amokläufers. “These young players prove that the language of music provides a firm c...Tsago degi nayala (finding the holy place) The Vienna Boys’ Choir made their first visit to the United States of America in...The Lions, the Leos and the Vienna Boys' Choir have always been active in supporting training for young people. Or an internal monologue? Carry On Up the Jungle (1970) part 2.

Following his passing, the Waltz King’s last wife was anything but a “merry widow”. A cheerful hero sets out into the great wid...Josef Gabriel Rheinberger’s “Zauberwort” is an entertaining Singspiel for children. They lead ...The civil war in Liberia raged for fourteen years. Welche Rhythmen verleiten uns zum Tanzen? In 1935, Alban Berg was ..."Was zählt, ist der Augenblick" ("It's the moment that counts") is not only the title of a book on the Viennese musical dyna..."Was zählt, ist der Augenblick" ("It's the moment that counts") is not only the title of a book on the Viennese musical dyna..."Was zählt, ist der Augenblick" ("It's the moment that counts") is not only the title of a book on the Viennese musical dyna..."Was zählt, ist der Augenblick" ("It's the moment that counts") is not only the title of a book on the Viennese musical dyna...Camerata Con Brio is the youth chamber orchestra of Musikschule Wien.
Over ons Ursula Strauss. The Wien Welt W...Today’s programme: 43:26. Falls Sie bereits Karten gekauft haben, wenden Sie sich bit...In 1498, when Emperor Maximilian I moved his court music ensemble to Vienna and decreed that the musicians should include si...The idiosyncratic sounds of Bernhard Gander and Gerald Resch are followed by Ferdinand Schmalz’s writing, literature which ...Das Blasmusik-Orchester der Post und Telekom Wien besteht seit mehr als 150 Jahren und zählt heute rund 55 aktive Musikerinn...This is the very first production by “Augentheater der Zukunft”, a theatre group founded by 17 year-old Sebastian Kranner...Eine berührende Coming of Age-Geschichte für Gesang, Schau- und Puppenspiel nach einer Vorlage des ungarischen Schriftstell...Shepherds play an important part in the Christmas story; their faith, their dignity and their constancy have been greatly pra...Belgium Winds meet Irish Voices MMag. She is extremely pleased with her prize — ...liszt trio wien is an Austrian ensemble whose members are well versed in the virtuoso trio repertoire. The internationally renowned soloist Monika Ballwe...A woman interpreting Beatles songs? Dani...NAI is a multi-cultural oriental orchestra composed of refugees from Syria and other Arab states, playing alongside friends f...No to be missed: the spirited playing of the Alcazar Salon Orchestra brings all the golden glamour of the 1920s and 1930s to ...In 2017, Leonhard Leeb was invited to perform in China as part of the International Culture Cooperation initiative. New work needs an opportunity. Eine moderierte Tanz-Chormusik-Performance zum Thema „Skl...An actor tells the story of Christmas in a fresh new way. This joi...His music is part of our life. The next fixture...-- We regret that we have had to cancel this MuTh zum Sport event. Many ta...A production by the High School Senior Class of the Vienna Boys' Choir

The music exalts the beauty of nature...Classical sacred music from the Western European tradition is one of the strengths of the Vienna Boys’ Choir; this is what ...The city as a sports ground: forget the obstacles around you, because in this sport, the obstacles disappear. Preisvorteil von ca. Each one ...“Harmonie 1865” celebrates 150 years of the Floridsdorfer Chorvereinigung (Florisdorf Choir Association).

America’s East Texas Youth Orchestra, ...Summer fires the imagination. Ursula Strauss. Pupils from the Vienna Boys' Choi...Antonín Dvořák composed sixteen string quartets. And it is a particularly special celebration for the Boys’ Choir: Advent and Christmas is hi...Nikolaus, Grandfather Frost and the Snow Maiden, Rupert the Farmhand, Krampus, Babushka, Mrs Santa Claus, Rudolph the reindee...On 25th May 2013, the first performance of this oratorio to be held in the German-speaking world will take place here at MuTh...Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. And that’s not...This concert marks the return to MuTh of the Romanian pianist Catalina Butcaru, who considers her playing as a form of poetry...The wheel of fate turns forever. Gleichzeitig zerbricht sie daran, weil sie vieles offensichtlich nicht mitbekommen hat.