Conduct the investigation in your own way.

Produktmeinung auf idealo verfassen. November erscheint das Adventure Blacksad: Under the Skin von Pendulo Studios, YS Interactive und Microids. Blacksad: Under the Skin is an adventure detective.

Probier es mit der Microïds is a registered trademark of Anuman Interactive SA. Dorthin, wo es nach dunklen Machenschaften und Verbrechen riecht. Games

PS4 Im Spiel steuern wir den Katzen-Detektiv Jon Blacksad, der in einem Fall rund um einen toten Box-Club-Besitzer ermittelt. Avec ses personnages anthropomorphiques et son ambiance des années 50 parfaitement retranscrite, BLACKSAD Under The Skin vous promet une aventure à l’atmosphère sombre de polar si caractéristique de la bande dessinée éponyme.

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Wir steuern den Katzendetektiv Jon Blacksad, der in der New Yorker Unterwelt ermittelt.

Der Besitzer eines Box-Clubs wurde tot aufgefunden, während ein aufstrebender Box-Star spurlos verschwunden ist. The interactive moments in the plot are good, but sometimes you are stuck with too little time. Außerdem muss man wie in den Sherlock-Holmes-Spielen selbst Schlussfolgerungen ziehen.

Blacksad Office. The hero investigates the murder of the owner of a boxing gym in which boxers, their agents, a corrupt bookmaker and his thugs are involved. 84 | D-87700 Memmingen | E-Mail: service(at) | datenschutz(at)gamestop.deVertretungsberechtigter Geschäftsführer: Harald Grünbaum | Registergericht: Amtsgericht Memmingen | Registernummer: HRB 12653

History keeps interest from the beginning to the end; the characters have character and contribute their involvement in the story; The ability to gather objects and research, make the gameplay more exciting and, in the end, there is a real need to make sound decisions and solve the case successfully.

Story Trailer

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TV Blacksad: Under the Skin is a true adaptation of the comic album series created by Juan Diaz Canales and Juanjo Guarnido but delivers an overall frustrating experience due to technical issues. The game launch was delayed yet due to tech error it was released on Nov 5th on XBOX and PS4.

Pendulo Studios need to urgently fix nearly every aspect of Blacksad: Under the Skin on PS4, and until they do that, this is one mystery best left unsolved. Also the controls would have been simply more in it, so also the technical errors. Movies

Go for the PC version as it shows a much better finish. All this publication's reviews; Read full review; See all 10 Critic Reviews.
It’s a real shame, then, that the game is so buggy on release. It's both amazing and messy at the same time.

Score distribution: Positive: 4 out of 8.