Robert Trump, the younger brother of the president, died Saturday at the age of 71. The eldest Trump sibling and Mary's father, Fred Trump Jr., struggled with alcoholism and died in 1981 at the age of 43. Robert Trump began his career on Wall Street working in corporate finance but later joined the family business, managing real estate holdings as a top executive in the Trump Organization. The president's surviving siblings include Elizabeth Trump Grau and Maryanne Trump Barry, a retired federal appeals judge.Authors Michael Kranish and Marc Fisher described Robert Trump as soft spoken but cerebral in “Trump Revealed: The Definitive Biography of the 45th President”: “He lacked Donald’s charismatic showmanship, and he was happy to leave the bravado to his brother, but he could show flashes of Trump temper. Donald Trump once described his younger brother as “much quieter and easygoing than I am,” and "the only guy in my life whom I ever call ‘honey.’”Robert Trump began his career on Wall Street working in corporate finance but later joined the family business, managing real estate holdings as a top executive in the Trump Organization.“When he worked in the Trump Organization, he was known as the nice Trump," Gwenda Blair, a Trump family biographer, told The Associated Press. Resigns As Liberty University PresidentTed Cruz is 'just a coward' for backing Trump, former aide Rick Tyler saysJerry Falwell Jr. resigns as head of Liberty UniversityMichigan funeral home discovers woman declared dead is actually aliveDemocrats accuse Trump appointee of destroying Postal ServiceSoldier missing from Fort Hood reported sexual, Amgen and Honeywell International Set to Join Dow Jones Industrial AverageSalesforce to replace Exxon in Dow Jones Industrial Average index next weekCalifornia justices toss death penalty for Scott PetersonDoctor casts doubt on COVID plasma treatment: ‘No breakthrough here’Watch live tonight: RNC kicks off with Sen. Tim Scott, Nikki Haley and Donald Trump Jr.Mike Pompeo breaks precedent, sparks criticism with RNC speech The president visited his brother at a New York City hospital Friday after White House officials said Robert Trump had become seriously ill. (AP Photo/Diane Bonadreff, File) „Es muss hart gewesen sein, mich als Bruder zu haben, aber er hat nie etwas darüber gesagt und wir sind uns sehr nah“, schrieb er in seinem 1987 erschienenen Buch „The Art of the Deal“. „Robert kommt mit fast jedem klar“, fügte er hinzu, „was großartig für mich ist, weil ich manchmal der Böse sein muss.“In den 1980er Jahren setzte Donald Trump Robert als Manager eines Kasino-Projekts in Atlantic City ein und bezeichnete ihn als perfekte Besetzung für die Aufgabe. “He was not just my brother, he was my best friend. President Donald Trump's younger brother, Robert Trump, a businessman known for an even keel that seemed almost incompatible with the family name, died Saturday night, Aug. 15, 2020, after being hospitalized in New York, the president said in a statement. “He was not a newsmaker,” Blair said.Before divorcing his first wife, Blaine Trump, more than a decade ago, Robert Trump had been active on Manhattan’s Upper East Side charity circuit.He avoided the limelight during his elder brother's presidency, having retired to the Hudson Valley. “I support Donald one thousand percent,” Robert Trump said. “Robert gets along with almost everyone," he added, "which is great for me since I sometimes have to be the bad guy.” "“When the slot machines jammed the opening weekend at the Taj Mahal, he very specifically and furiously denounced Robert, and Robert walked out and never worked for his brother again,” Blair said.A Boston University graduate, Robert Trump later managed the Brooklyn portion of father Fred Trump's real estate empire, which was eventually sold.Once a regular boldface name in Manhattan’s social pages, Robert Trump had kept a lower profile in recent years.