Er überreicht ihr einen Plan, der die Stadt vor dem Angriff der Liga schützen soll. But it did seem as if Rachel expected Batman to be there, to save her. Rachel was a childhood friend to Bruce Wayne. As she grew into a young woman, Rachel became a bold and crusading assistant D.A.

Her strong personal motivations and desire to see good conflict with her heritage, as her father is a powerful demon named Trigon who wants to enslave the planet. After Chill was murdered for testifying against Mafia boss, Rachel dedicated her career to eliminating crime in Gotham, which made her enemies of both Falcone and Dr. One morning, after the riot was over, Rachel went to the ruins of Wayne Manor, which was burned down by the League, and reconciled with Bruce. He becomes a recluse and loses connection with the world for eight years. Rachel's mother worked for Bruce's parents, Rachel enrolled in law school and got an internship at Gotham's District Attorney's Office during her first year. Wieder wird sie von Batman gerettet. Rachel übergibt dem mit Batman verbündeten Polizisten Während Gordon und Batman mit der Gefangennahme des Jokers beschäftigt sind entführen dessen Schergen jedoch Harvey Dent und Rachel Dawes und halten sie in zwei verschiedenen Gebäuden in Gotham fest. Rachel Dawes ist ein Charakter aus Christopher Nolans Batman Filmen. Beide von ihnen werden von Bomben und Benzinfässern umgeben und können über Funkgeräte miteinander kommunizieren. After her adoptive mother was killed by an arcane agent in Traverse City, she sought the help of D… But when she realises that Batman has gone off to save Dent (unaware of the Joker's falsehood), she accepts it because she knows that to Bruce Batman is everything and Batman realises that Harvey Dent must be saved at all costs for Gotham needs him. Despite their mutual attraction, Rachel decided that they couldn't be together if Bruce was determined to lead a double life. So hast du deine Lieblings-Communitys immer dabei und verpasst nie wieder etwas. Batman macht sich auf den Weg, um Rachel zu retten, findet aber Dent vor, dessen linke Gesichtshälfte bei seiner Rettung vom Feuer entstellt wird.

Ra's put them together to destroy Gotham City using … Still, Batman manages to get Dent out–arriving moments after Rachel had told Harvey that she would marry him, having previous requested time to consider his proposal–although half of his face is caught on fire and hideously burnt in the explosion that occurs seconds after their escape from the building. However, Gordon arrives too late to save Rachel, and she dies when the bombs surrounding her are detonated, her last words assuring Harvey that it is OK for him to be saved instead of her. Rachel Dawes was a childhood friend of Bruce Wayne. When Bruce keeps a picture of Rachel inside Wayne Manor that both Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. Batman sets out to save Dawes, while Gordon goes to rescue Dent, unaware of the falsehood in Joker's words until Batman arrives at the storage to find Dent, not Dawes as he believes, inside.

"It's not who you are underneath, but what you do that defines you." Gordon kommt zu spät, um Rachel zu retten, in ihren letzten Worten zu Dent versichert sie ihm, dass es okay sei, dass er gerettet wird und nicht sie. in Gotham City that was under the thumb of powerful crime lords. Joker reveals the locations to Batman and the police during his interrogation, but deliberately switches the locations. Er verabreicht ihr ein Gegengift und erzählt ihr, dass Crane mit einer Terrororganisation namens Gesellschaft der Schatten zusammenarbeitet. She kissed Bruce goodbye, left him to fulfill his destiny, and hoped that he would come back to her when Batman was no longer needed in Gotham. Her mother is a human woman named Angela Azarath who was living on Earth at the time of conception. Although Rachel truly cared about Bruce, she was convinced that the trauma of seeing his parents killed had changed him forever, and wo… Earlier before her abduction and death, Rachel left Following the deaths of Rachel and Dent, Bruce retires as Batman and does nothing further with his personal life after seeing his only chance for a normal life destroyed along with Rachel. But during this time, Joker manipulates two cops into bringing Dent and Dawes to different buildings in the city. Kurz vor Dents Rettung nimmt Rachel über Funk dessen Heiratsantrag an, bei dem sie ihn davor um Bedenkzeit gebeten hatte.

Their faith is based on the tenets of Christianity and their leader is Azrael, commanding Crusader and Fireball. ―Rachel to Bruce. There, both of them are tied up with bombs and barrels of gasoline surrounding them, along with a radio that allowed the two of them to speak to each other.

Rachel Roth is a member of the Titans with dark magic powers.

Während seines Verhörs verrät der Joker Batman die Orte, an denen Dent und Dawes festgehalten werden, vertauscht aber dabei die jeweiligen Orte. Durch Rachels Karriere in der Verbrechensbekämpfung macht sie sich den Gangsterboss Später wird sie von Crane vergiftet, während sie Falcone untersucht, der an einem psychotischen Nervenzusammenbruch leidet.