New York, eine Provision vom Händler, Chapter 19 - Contagion: When you encounter a burning area where soldiers are patrolling, one guard will have his back to a subway car inside a large square room. Chapter 20 - Quarantine: Before meeting up with Khan, look across the door to find a diary page on a desk.29. The best place to get cheats, codes, cheat codes, walkthrough, guide, FAQ, unlockables, tricks, and secrets for Metro: Last Light for PC. There are a lot of other crates and ammo locations in the swamps, but only the 16 shown in the video below count towards getting the "Equipped" achievement.After the Boss fight with the bear in "The Garden" chapter, you will see some Watchmen attacking the back of the bear. Ihr werdet von einigen Hund-ähnlichen Monstern angegriffen, gegen welche ihr euch zu verteidigen habt. But one constant remains: Our awesome Metro - Last Light Trainer! den Revolver und das Sturmgewehr). In the third wave, you must kill the five enemies on the train (one on the back of the train, four standing at the railing). Our Metro: Last Light Redux trainer has over 13 cheats and supports Steam. Sie öffnet sich und ihr könnt eintreten.Zusammen mit den anderen beiden Männern nehmt ihr den Lift nach oben, begebt euch durch den Raum und einige Türen zu einem gewissen "Verlasst den Zug zusammen mit Anna und folgt ihr. The third one can be found when taking the stairs down the roof, in a small side room. Metro 2033 Cheats: Gott und unendlich Munition, Wie Cheats in Metro 2033 Redux funktionieren.
NY 10036. It is recommended to use military rounds instead of the normal ammo, as it does a lot more damage and will make completing this task much easier.At the beginning of "The Dead City" chapter, you will see a vision of a playground and some children. There is a red switch. Chapter 27 - Red Square: At the beginning of the chapter, look to the left, and search the skeletons in the catacomb to find a diary page.38. Sneak past them until you come to two guards who are blocking your way. Do not go anywhere near the exit door. When he opens the locker, a gun will fall out. Suche. Metro - Last Light is all about fighting action packed battles with only a few precious resources. Chapter 5 - Separation: When you encounter a man who surrenders before reaching the exit of the area, look on the desk near the man to find a diary page.7.
Please refresh the page and try again.GamesRadar+ is part of Future US Inc, an international media group and leading digital publisher. Plus: Tipps zu Waffen, Dokumente, Kämpfe und Gadgets. © Chapter 27 - Red Square: After going down into a flooded room, an enemy will run by you. Metro: Last Light Komplettlösung, Tipps und Tricks Mit unserer Komplettlösung erreicht ihr das gute Ende, ohne jemanden zu töten.
You can also perform good actions by exploring the environment, or eavesdropping on the stories NPCs tell in the cities around the metro. Some of the stashes are actual crates, while others have a weapon or ammo on the ground. Instead, turn around to find the diary page on a desk.28. file size 8.3 KB.
Win the mini-game three times, and the man will give you a teddy bear. Chapter 5 - Separation: After separating from your female comrade, you will need to get through an area full of enemies. Cheat-Suche: Suche in . Gameplay-facilitating trainer for Metro: Last Light Redux. Chapter 15 - Venice: The diary page is right where you find Pavel, near a strip club.24. Tesla (10 points): Break 50 Lights. Look left just after entering the area to find a dead body with a diary page.10. Return to the ruins of post-apocalyptic Moscow in the sequel to 2010s cult hit, Metro 2033. Metro - Last Light - Allgemeine Tipps und Tricks: Unendlich Militär-Mun, Netter Kompass, Munition sparen., Artyom kann Pawel als Schutzschild nutzen, Level Banditen bester. To get the "Redemption" (good) ending, you must perform as many good actions as possible and kill as few humans as possible, like sparing the lives of soldiers who surrender voluntarily and saving women and children. Before continuing to meet Pavel, look inside a nearby optional room to find a diary page on a desk.8. Eventually, you will have to push another railcar out of the way. Get through the flooded area to find a dead body at the end of the path next to a vent cover with the diary page. Chapter 22 - The Chase: After boarding the train car, look to the right to find a box with a diary page on it.31. Look at the top of it to find a diary page.33. Je leiser ihr dabei vorgeht, desto einfacher wird das Ganze. Look left after going up the stairs to find a diary page.41. Join over 5 million other WeMod members!Simple! Return to the ruins of post-apocalyptic Moscow in the sequel to 2010s cult hit, Metro 2033.Get the best gaming deals, reviews, product advice, competitions, unmissable gaming news and more!Thank you for signing up to GamesRadar+. Choose from thousands of trainers to use on our platform and even request your own games. To get the "Revenge" achievement, Pavel must die.