By default, it will have a desktop view enabled. About the author echo get_avatar( get_the_author_meta('user_email'), $size = '50'); ?> echo get_avatar( get_the_author_meta('user_email'), $size = '50'); ?> echo get_avatar( get_the_author_meta('user_email'), $size = '50'); ?> Hätte aber von Anfang an so sein müssen. I have tried them all, to find out the best chrome extension.Downloader for Instagram™ + Direct Message. Nachdem viele Nutzer aber ohnehin vermehrt die Fotos mit Desktop-Software bearbeiten und auch immer mehr Unternehmen das Netzwerk für Marketing nutzen, erlaubt man nun auch das Veröffentlichen von Fotos vom Desktop aus.Unter dem folgenden Link könnt ihr Instagram für Windows 10 aus dem Windows Store herunterladen:23 Jahre alt, Redakteur bei, Windows Insider MVP. Android Emulator is just like a Windows Software. Other than that, Safari worked pretty well!If you’ve been wondering how to post on Instagram from PC or Mac, there goes your answer! Nähere Informationen findest du in unserer Datenschutzerklärung.Wenn Sie diesen Cookie deaktivieren, können wir Ihre Einstellungen nicht speichern. But, when you open the Instagram web page in the Android or iOS browser.
Laden Sie diese App für Windows 10 aus dem Microsoft Store herunter. The emulator does create Android Environment so that you can run Android apps within it.There are various Android Emulators available which you can install. Click on the Add to Chrome > Add extension option. To post on Instagram from PC, you will have to use modern web browsers with a special built-in feature that allows you to access Instagram’s mobile view on desktop. I will keep updating this article with more methods. I advise you nice tool push photo It helps you with posting from you PC without any problems and also you can schedule it.

By accessing this website, you acknowledge and accept the use of cookies. Die Facebook-Tochter Instagram hat nun ein lang ersehntes Update für die eigene Windows 10-App ausgeliefert, welches nun das Posten von Fotos vom Computer aus erlaubt.Somit können Instagram-Nutzer direkt ihre Webcam nutzen für Fotos oder aber diese vorher am PC mit professioneller Software bearbeiten.
But, Web version comes with limited functionality. Da die Instagram-App nicht allen Smartphones zugänglich ist, hat die Bilderplattform eine mobile Webseite, über die man dann mit dem Handy Bilder ohne die App posten kann.

You can upload pictures from your laptop or computer now following the same methods as used on Instagram for phone Follow the same process as you do for Instagram on phone. Iconosquare lets you crop your image to the right size right inside the Scheduler so you don’t need to worry about it beforehand:Here, you’ll be able to write a caption for your image, insert the pre-selected hashtags from the Caption Library, add a location, tag other users, and, most importantly, choose whether you want your content to be posted automatically on a specific day:Et voila! Somit können Instagram-Nutzer direkt ihre Webcam nutzen für Fotos oder aber diese vorher am PC mit professioneller Software bearbeiten. Um ein Bild auf Instagram direkt vom Desktop zu posten, musst du zunächst Instagram im Browser öffnen. Simply click the ‘camera’ icon from the menu, then select whether you’re posting from your gallery or taking a new photo or video. You can, in other words, “set and forget” your content and let the tool do all the work for you.There are many scheduling tools on the Instagram market, but today I am going to focus on Iconosquare.Being the pioneer of Instagram analytics, Iconosquare also offers an automatic Instagram Scheduler with a number of extra add-ons to take advantage of. Upload the file, write the caption, geolocate, and once you’re done, click I found Safari to be a bit trickier than Chrome, but it also might be a matter of personal preference. What you want is to view it as if from a mobile device. I use it for more than a year and everything is fine!Method 1: Post Photos from Web Browser. And, after that, you can upload it on Instagram.Well not now, Here are some of the best ways to upload pictures to Instagram from Windows 10 and macOS.Yes, the Web version of Instagram doesn’t come with an upload option. (Windows, macOS) Yes, the Web version of Instagram doesn’t come with an upload option.