Erwerben kann man diese mit den Fähigkeitspunkten, welche man durch Abschluss von Herausforderungen und Sammeln von Lumen erhält. Infamous First Light is a stand alone DLC to Infamous Second Son, and has many similar gameplay aspects. In Rescue Arena's the object is to rescue hostages. Each map has a number of specific challenges you can complete to earn skill points. Seattle, Local Arena and Global Challenges. Just kill 20 enemies in a row before killing them in any other method for this trophy.Stasis is performed by shooting or holding and releasing L1. You do that by killing enemies. Diese ist zu finden unter den Lichtgeschwindigkeitsupgrades und kostet 8 Fähigkeitenpunkte. In inFAMOUS First Light you play as Fetch, who we met previously in inFAMOUS: Second Son. When you shoot one, one of four different power up blast shards will fall from the drone.

The bad news is that you don’t want to be standing in the line of fire of one. As soon as you see one of these pop up on the map, try your best to overload it quickly.

If you are low on health, draining neon will heal you.Scoring 500,000 points for this trophy should not be your main focus if you want the platinum in this game.

Dafür muss man durch Drücken von den Neonlauf aktivieren und dem Weg des blauen Lumens folgen, indem man durch die Neonwolken läuft.

Once filled, activate singularity by hitting down on the D-PadYou can get this during the main story, but it’ll be much easier (and quicker) to do this in Arena. Zwischendurch muss man an Neonquellen durch wieder Energie aufnehmen, da die Raketen begrenzt sind.Erhält man, sobald man alle Upgrades gekauft hat. Betrayed – Gold. Herzlich willkommen zu unserem inFamous First Light – Trophäen Leitfaden / Trophies Guide!
You will learn about overloading turrets in the main story mission This trophy is one of the challenges, this particular one is located under Global Challenges: Rescue. This is similar to the painting Delsin does in Second Son.To purchase every upgrade, you will need to collect every lumen and complete every challenge. It will be within the white circle area.Luman races are side missions and the trophy icon is the same icon on the Seattle map. Once you begin you will be faced with some small neon colored dust clouds you must hit usingIn inFAMOUS: First Light, you will have many powers to upgrade for Fetch as you progress along in the story. Diese müssen durch Nutzung der Kräfte abgeschossen werden. And then simply enjoy this shiny new Platinum in your collection. Don’t forget about your singularity blast as well when you get in trouble.For some of the tougher enemies, shooting them with a stasis blast will make them vulnerable to a easy neon bolt kill and if you have the melee tree fully upgraded, a melee finisher will also destroy any nearby enemies.Survival mode just requires you to survive as many waves as possible. Mit unserem inFamous First Light – Trophäen Leitfaden / Trophies Guide seid ihr garantiert auf der sicheren Seite, wenn ihr das Spiel zu 100% beenden möchtet. Collect all Neon Lumens.

You do that by killing enemies.

The Alpha arean doesn’t have any challenges tied to completing a certain number of rounds, so your only goal is to score 500,000 points.

While attempting to get your 500,000 points you must keep your multiplier up while saving hostages.
This trophy is story related. Keep that multiplier up by defeating enemies and rescuing hostages.This is a trophy guide that will attempt to help you obtain every trophy for inFAMOUS First Light, a standalone game based off the Second Son world of Seattle. Each map has a number of specific challenges you can complete to earn skill points. They are strong and deadly. Singularity can only be performed once you have filled up the meter circle on the top left of your screen. )Pull = While you’re in the air shoot the explosive ammo dump.I got it a few hours after posting, but thanks anyway.What do you have to do to get the GODLIKE challenge.

After you are done you will have enough Skill Points to purchase any remaining upgrades for Fetch's abilities.

Der Standard Maximum Wert ist 50, mit der Drohne wird dieser auf 100 verdoppelt.Sorgt dafür, dass der Nahkampf Finisher, den man mit Mit diesen Drohnen kann man blaue Superblitze aktivieren.Durch die lilane Drohne wird man kurzzeitig unverwundbar.Im Spoiler ein Video zur Gamma Arena, mit der Herausforderung 30 Gegner Wellen zu überstehen:Geschütze können überlastet werden, indem man sich hinter sie stellt und drückt.