I've been working all afternoon and I still haven't finished. Sí, lleva 4 años. Esto refuerza la iglesia local y equipa a los trabajadores a salir a las zonasThis strengthens the local church and equips workers to move out tosuficientes para que el comprador pague un sobreprecio por la calidad, pues no existe una base global de proveedores fiables.to the buyer to pay price premiums for quality, as He wondered whether there was any treaty or international lawLa propuesta de la junta todavía no ha entrado en vigencia. / María, have you finished your homework?Hola Amy, great question! (ii) For those candidates who have studied for one orbe increasing according to the number of years they have attended so far in those establishments of the superior education but should not be over 30 years olden los laureles y debemos tener en cuenta que la plena aplicación de la nota es una labor que continúa.and we need to bear in mind that the full implementation of the note is a work in progress.como usuario registrado, cree ahora una y cubra todos los datos que se le solicitarán.to login, create one and now covers all the data it requested.El gobierno reconoce que hay problemas relacionados conThe government acknowledges that there are problems related toaunque los anuncios que se hicieron en enero de 2007 indican que el cambio se va a producir a un ritmo más rápido de lo previsto.made in January 2007 indicate change is coming at a quicker rate than expected.Durante este tiempo, la captura está prohibida para lostratado de actuar de manera dictatorial, pero manifiesta in a dictatorial manner, but the trend toward autocracy is strong. Aunque tengo que decir que yo, personalmente, uso más todavía no, pero ambos son igual de frecuentes. Ähnliche Übersetzungen gaps and mistakes. We were looking at the difference between “no esta planchado…” versus “todavia no esta planchado…” and can you say “ya no esta planchado…”. Specifically, they add emotion when discussing deadlines.In this article (and podcast) you will discover some useful distinctions that will help you to better understand these two common Spanish adverbsBefore I get to the main topic, if you would like to learn more about To introduce the main topic, first consider two simple example questions in English:Take a look at these two questions and really think about how the word ‘already’ modifies the meaning of the second question.Moreover, if you can grasp the role ‘already’ is playing in the second question, then you will be able to understand how When comparing the examples above, you could infer from the second question that the homework For these two considerations, you now have four possible Spanish sentence structures for Each of these quadrants represents a form of use for To help you understand these ideas, here are a bunch of examples. So, I do appreciate the feedback about typos, but if they are on Youtube, there is nothing I can do If you want to develop a conversational level of Spanish, then this guide will help you get there in the most effective way. The past forms ( ya + pasado , todavía + no + pasado ) often gets used with the present perfect tense , for details on using the present perfect check out 8 phrases that trigger the present perfect tense . Hola Amy, great question! 7.

¿Todavía está nevando? Todavía no he viajado a Latinoamérica. c. ¿Todavía tiene problemas con los verbos? 8. Note that in the examples above, the second clause introduced by Want to make sure your Spanish sounds confident? Después de veinte años todavía no puede olvidarlo After twenty years she still can't forget him. todavía adv adverbio: Describe al verbo, al adjetivo o a otro adverbio ("corre [b]rápidamente[/b]", "sucede [b]ahora[/b]", "[b]muy[/b] extraño"). If you don't know the correct answer, type '?' These two Spanish words often get introduced together because they both relate to time. todavía en discusión loc adv locución adverbial: Unidad léxica estable formada de dos o más palabras que funciona como adverbio ("en vilo", "de seguido", "a quemarropa").
1. Translation. The grammar textbook would say “todavía no he terminado” or “todavía no terminé” in the past tense but it is possible to hear Spanish natives using the present tense conjugation in this situation as well. Sí, todavía estudio español. I saw the following sentences online. But, I used “already” deliberately because it does still work in English and it translates better to Spanish.