Fire Emblem Echoes: Shadows of Valentia is inspired by the 1992 In 1992, the second game in the Fire Emblem series, Fire Emblem Gaiden, launched exclusively in Japan.

The result is a game that diverts from what people associate with Fire Emblem, that feels fresh at the start, but gets tedious due to the continuous random battles. Intelligent Systems is likely looking to Nintendo Switch for its next big strategic adventure – but for now, Shadows of Valentia is great enough to warrant dusting off your indestructible little pocket toy for one last hurrah.Fire Emblem Echoes: Shadows of Valentia manages the remarkable trick of remaking one of the oldest entries in the series, and making it feel fresh.

Many characters received new unique designs and more dialogue. This has things missing from fates and awakening that got more people playing the series and that might seem like a bad thing but to me this is Nintendo reaching out to fire emblem veterans and giving them the game they wanted. Submissions should be for the purpose of informing or initiating a discussion, not just with the goal of entertaining viewers. If you feel like you're up to a lengthy, engaging challenge, then Echoes will satisfy in spades.Far from the quick-and-dirty update it might have been, Shadows of Valentia is no Awakening, but an enlightening and worthwhile history lesson.Put aside any misconceptions you have about strategy RPGs, Shadows of Valentia demands your time and will make you feel good for it.Built around a captivating story told from two sides, the usage of a world map together with the classic style battle system makes Fire Emblem Echoes: Shadows of Valentia yet another must play game for the franchise.Shadows of Valentia is, at its core, not really much different than most of its console-based predecessors. And that's why it works so well even after all these years. But in the end this is the weakest and most unnecessary entry of a franchise I played and loved dearly since its humble origins.

Dungeon crawling is fun, dialogue is much better compared to fates, localization is much better compared to fates, having two army's to control is great, the different gameplay elements are awesome, and music is great. It's certainly got it's fair share of critics, especially among veteran players, but it's far from being universally considered the worst game by the fandom.which is considered by the fandom as one of the worst, can't say I agree but stillTo me, Awakening definitely beats most of the series on some fronts (music, production values, replayability), but is among the worst on others (map design, objectives, storyline). Now, for the first time, fans outside of Japan will get a taste of this classic game on the Nintendo 3DS family of systems.

The cutscenes also look very nice.There are so many differences between what Echoes provides and what other Fire Emblem games have had for the past decade. Shifting the focus from character interactions to more gameplay mechanics was a huge deal for me, along with a story that feels like it’s developing with you, rather than happening in the background. For Fire Emblem Echoes: Shadows of Valentia on the 3DS, a GameFAQs message board topic titled "What Class line do you think is best for Kliff? Fire Emblem Echoes: Shadows of Valentia really surprised me. This isn't a criticism per se, and it’s more remarkable now than ever that the handheld console with a low-rent screen and barely any processing power is still able to churn out such deep and engrossing experiences. To call Fire Emblem Echoes a step back for the series would probably be unfair. It's different than anything else in the series, and shows what happens when a developer feels like veering away from the established path. With rumor flying around that the 3DS is nearing the end of its lifespan, ending on Fire Emblem Echoes would be a more than fitting swan song for the powerful little handheld. Generally favorable reviews It’s a game for the here-and-now, made to give the 3DS one of its last hoorahs with a major franchise before all of Nintendo’s developers move fully to the Switch. Now im wary of new fire emblem games.New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be castThe goal of /r/Games is to provide a place for informative and interesting gaming content and discussions. Fire Emblem Echoes is the second best entry in the new generation of Fire Emblem games, ranking lower than Awakening, but higher than Fates.

Fire Emblem Echoes: Shadows of Valentia recreates classic Fire Emblem gameplay with a modern twist, mixing in exploration of dungeons crawling with enemies. Common criticisms of Shadows of Valentia were it being too hard, and lacking elements from other games. It’s head and shoulders above the dull Fire Emblem: Fates.

Sample image of the art book included with the Japanese Pin set exclusive to the international Limited Edition. This isn't even the 3DS' best Fire Emblem, ultimately, but it's certainly one of the most interesting entries in the series' long history, an eccentric offshoot with an identity all of its own. But in the end this is the weakest and most unnecessary entry of a franchise I played and loved dearly since its humble origins. Songs for the General Public Fire Emblem Echoes Shadows of Valentia is a remake of the 1992 Famicom classic Fire Emblem Gaiden. Even the scripted sequences using the in game models are solid, not just using battle animations like in Fates and Awakening. Fire Emblem: Shadows of Valentia is really fun and easy to play in short bursts — just like any good handheld game should be. Despite having many of the series’ staple complexities stripped away, Shadows of Valentia proves a thoroughly enjoyable adventure.