Here, every surviving human is a real person. The mysterious map fragments are a series of six miscellaneous items in the Fallout 76 Wastelanders update. All you have to do is collected the map fragments and then place them together on the blank board in Grafton Pawn Shop. Wastelanders is a massive overhaul of Fallout 76 that adds human NPCs throughout the game world, introduces a brand new main quest line, decision-points for key story moments, a new reputation system for the revamped In the original Fallout 76 storyline players exited Note that you do not have to engage in the Main Missions if you do not wish to, much like other Fallout games, and anything gleaned from the main missions can also be found by exploring the world at your leisure in most cases.

Rather than debuting a single main story tack, Wastelanders is actually split into two storylines, one of which branches into two more on its own: there is a storyline focused on a woman named Duchess that owns a bar named The Wayward and there is a new Overseer storyline, in which you actually get to go meet with her and eventually complete missions for both of the new factions: the Blood Eagle We recommend doing all of The Wayward quests first, then completing either the Raider or Settler quest lines in whichever order you prefer.

Fallout 76, the online prequel where every surviving human is a real person.

The new factions are claiming territory too, which might conflict with the C.A.M.P. Fallout 76 is the online prequel to the Fallout franchise.

Work together, or not, to survive.

The map contains all the locations you can visit in F76, Public Workshops, Player Stash Boxes, Vendors, Merchants and Traders locations, Treasure Maps Dig locations and Fissure Sites. The fifth map location for Vault 79 in Fallout 76 Wastelanders DLC is the Uncanny Caverns.

Fallout 76 Map - All Locations, HD, Full Map.

West Virginia for Fallout 76 Video Game, The Forest, Savage Divide, Toxic Valley, Ash Heap, The Mire, Cranberry Bog.

This DLC fundamentally changed the play experience of the original game by bringing back human NPCs, adding new regions, quests, stories, weapons and more!

The expansion fundamentally changes the wasteland with living humans returning to … Look on a counter in the welcome building to find Constance’s fragment. You can see where to find Aluminium, Black Titanium, Oil, etc in Appalachia (via Reddit/FloorBelow).. Also remember: If you build your C.A.M.P. Wastelanders is one of the DLCs of Fallout 76 (FO76).

Wastelanders is a massive overhaul of Fallout 76 that adds human NPCs throughout the game world, introduces a brand new main quest line, decision-points for key story moments, a … Blood and Gore, Drug Reference, Intense Violence, Strong Language, Use of Alcohol, In-Game Purchases, Users InteractMoney Making Guide, How to Sell, and Vendor Locations

To do all of this you will need to get all the pieces of this map fragments and you can find them at these specific locations in Fallout 76 Wastelander DLC.

When combined, the fragments create a completed treasure map. Helpful map to find resource deposits in Fallout 76. Now that Wastelanders is out, the timeline in Fallout 76 has moved forward one full year. They’ve set up new landmarks, remodeled existing areas, instituted new factions vying for control, and above all else add some much-needed life into a wasteland that felt too much like a ghost town.

Map Location #5. The sixth and final map location is the Mothman Museum. When they are placed on the blank board in the Grafton Pawn Shop, they reveal the location of Vault 79.

Under the threat of nuclear annihilation, you’ll experience the largest, most dynamic world ever created in the legendary Fallout universe.

As Fallout 76's big new Wastelanders update moves in, some player camps will have to move on ... To help players plan, Bethesda released a map of the world with no-camp zones marked. Fallout 76 Wastelanders 6 Map Fragments FOUND also... in range of a resource deposit, you can build an extractor for that deposit (just like in … This Fallout 76 Wastelanders Allies List & Locations Guide provides a list of all of the different Ally companions we've discovered so far as well as information on where they can be found. As a result, people have returned to Appalachia. you’ve already built. Bethesda posted a handy map so you can make sure you aren’t living somewhere that the new wastelanders will kick you out of. As settlers and raiders alike scramble to find it, the residents of Vault 76 must choose sides in the brewing conflict.Players can embark on a new main quest of choice and consequence, interact with characters and their unique stories, discover the faction settlements of the Crater and Foundation, and collect powerful new weapons and armor.The Wastelander expansion is divided into raider content and settler content.Contributions to Fextralife Wikis are licensed under a

You can finish each up until the very end, but you will eventually have to make a choice. Where To Find Wastelanders Map Fragment In Fallout 76. The Ally feature is a new addition in Wastelanders. Fallout 76 Wiki Guide; Interactive Maps; Appalachia; Things to Do First; Things Fallout 76 Doesn't Tell You; Tips and Tricks; Tips to Get Ready for the Wastelanders Update; Walkthrough and Main Quests