Auch an Rick geht der Vorfall nicht spurlos vorüber, und er bricht in Camerons Gegenwart in Tränen aus. Back at God's Promise, Mark Turner, a boy in Cameron's group sessions, has a breakdown during a session when speaking about how his father would not accept him. Guest. On prom night, Jamie realizes that Cameron is attracted to Coley. Cameron invites her best friend Jamie to prom. Over the following summer, Cameron and Coley both get summer jobs and Brett goes away for soccer camp.

Cameron develops a crush on Coley, despite the fact that Coley has a boyfriend, Brett. She does not get to confront Coley before she leaves. She has one-on-one meetings with Reverend Rick and Lydia March. When Cameron returns home, she learns that Ruth invited the pastor to the house and announces that Coley revealed what they had done together and as a result sends Cameron to God's Promise. Coley's brother Ty and his friends interrupt them and Cameron quickly leaves. Well above the level of many teen coming out books, and an instant recommendation. Dabei soll ihnen eine Zeichnung von einem Eisberg und einem Schiff helfen, wobei der unter Wasser befindliche Teil des Eisbergs für die Ursachen steht. Neil J. Cameron learns that one of the lifeguards with whom she works has dated a girl before.

… Actress Chloë Grace Moretz and Channel Kindness Reporter Ash López chat about Chloë’s latest role in “The Miseducation of Cameron Post.” The movie is a phenomenal adaption of Emily M. Dartworth’s daring young adult novel. Der Film basiert auf einem gleichnamigen Jugendbuch von Emily M. Danforth aus dem Jahr 2012. Nachdem Cameron Post bei einem Autounfall ihre Eltern verloren hatte, musste sie zu ihrer Tante ziehen. The novel's protagonist is Cameron Post, a 12-year-old Montana girl who is discovering her own homosexuality. She lives with her Aunt Ruth (Kerry … In this film, Moretz portrays Cameron Post, a small town teenage girl who is sent to gay conversion therapy after her love affair with another girl is exposed. Cameron returns home for Christmas. The Miseducation of Cameron Post is a coming-of-age teen novel by Emily M. Danforth published in 2012. Cameron grows closer to Jane and Adam and they sneak away together to smoke pot Jane has grown. The synopsis below may give away important plot points. Post Jun 17, 2018 #152 2018-06-17T14:27 "Prohibited" L chat still censors Chloe's name. The Miseducation of Cameron Post (2018) Plot. Set in the year 1993, Cameron Post (Chloe Grace Moretz) is a high school junior. Aunt Ruth begins dating Ray, who sells frozen goods around the local area. Nachdem die American Psychiatric Association im Jahr 1973 Homosexualität aus dem Handbuch psychischer Störungen entfernt hatte, gab das medizinische Establishment diese Praktiken weitgehend auf. Rick brings Mark to the hospital, but will not admit that this was a suicide attempt. Post Jun 21, 2018 #154 2018-06-21T14:17. Cameron becomes friends with Coley Taylor, who is in her biology class and starts driving her to Firepower meetings. He thinks Cameron is confused and kisses her. In 1993, a teenage girl is forced into a gay conversion therapy center by her conservative guardians. Reverend Rick Roneous, the leader of a new full-time school that treats gay people called God's Promise, visits a Firepower meeting, which makes Cameron and Coley uncomfortable. Es ist das Jahr 1993, als sie langsam in der neuen Heimat ihre In Einzel-, aber auch in Gruppentherapien lernen die Teilnehmer, die allesamt unter der „same-sex attraction“ leiden, so die pathologisierende Bezeichnung für ihre Veranlagung, unter der Anleitung von Dr. Marsh die Ursachen ihrer angeblich fehlgeleiteten Sexualität zu ergründen und den Weg zurück zu Gott zu finden.