This wiki strives to offer fans and newcomers alike accurate information regarding the Techland video game, ranging from the title release to its transmedia releases. Reception towards the game was generally positive, with praise mainly regarding the combat, graphics, co-operative multiplayer, navigation, and the day-night cycle. During the day, players can traverse in an expanded urban environment overrun by a viral outbreak.

Upon meeting Rais, Crane is able to confirm that he is indeed Suleiman. Dying Light is a survival horror game set in a vast, dangerous, zombified open world, developed by Polish video game developer Techland. However, according to Senior Game Producer Adrian Ciszewski, Dying Light's frame rate will be locked at 30 FPS on consoles in order to be able to deliver native 1080p graphics, reduce input lag to minimum, and provide a smoother and more gameplay-tailored performance. He considered 1080p/30 FPS "the optimal solution for Dying Light and all its gameplay features on consoles".

Welcome to the Dying Light Wiki, your premiere source for all that is Dying Light, Dying Light 2 & Dying Light: Bad Blood.

Prior to the game's official announcement, several reports claimed that The game is mostly melee-based with the majority of fighting using melee weapons. Set in a zombie-apocalypse-themed open world (similar to South American slums and cities),Combat in the game is mostly melee-based with the majority of fighting is done using melee weapons.

Dying Light is an open world first-person survival horror video game developed by Techland and published by Warner Bros. Interactive Entertainment.

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In order for the player to avoid contact, they need to use their Online multiplayer has been announced for up to four players in the co-op mode.On October 1, 2014, Techland announced that there will be over 50 hours of gameplay.When development of Dying Light started in early 2012, reports claimed that Dying Light was originally a Techland originally aimed to deliver a 60 FPS frame rate on both PS4 and Xbox One.

They find no Antizin, but rather plastic explosives, which they choose to confiscate to prevent Rais from using them in the future.

Criticism was regarding the story, difficulty, and technical issues. Users and fans wishing to contribute, please don't hesitate to expand or create articles.

The demo offers three hour of gameplay content, and supports four-player co-operative multiplayer.

In desperate hopes to find Antizin, Crane and Jade pull a raid on a supply storage facility run by Rais, which was formerly a school. New enemies are also introduced at night, challenging the player to survive, introducing the new playing aspect of the hunter becoming the "hunted". Without daylight, the senses of the infected become more acute and accurate. Crane returns to the tower to inform Brecken of the news; Jade overhears them and, visibly upset, takes off. The team eventually created a whistling sound, which played during the night section, so as to make enemy encounters at night "more frightening". When Crane reaches Jade it is revealed that she has been bitten on the leg hours ago, and she will soon turn. But in the end,

Crane is unable to locate the file, and is later betrayed by Rais, who only gives him five vials of Antizin. He later breaks off business with the GRE when they halt the supply drops and refuse to help the Tower. WeaponWednesday Slaughterhouse Cleaver Holy Ghost ModDying Light Early Build DEMO Mirror's Edge Meets Dead Island!Dying Light Gameplay Walkthrough Demo Parkour, Map, Coop, Crafting, Night, Weapons PS4 Xbox One PCGetting To Know Dying Light's Deadly Arsenal in 60 FPS - IGN FirstTake your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. —Official Tagline. The game was developed by Techland, published by Warner Bros. Interactive Entertainment, and released for Microsoft Windows, Linux, PlayStation 4, and Xbox One on February 9, 2016. Upon release, the soundtrack was praised by David Houghton from GamesRadar for straying away from the typical orchestral music, as well as for giving the game "real texture and power".

When asked about the short nighttime, Binkovski said: "I've seen a grown man cry during the night, so yeah, 7 minutes is definitely enough". The game was released for PlayStation 4, Xbox One and Microsoft Windows on January 27, 2015, in North America and on January 28th, 2015 in Europe and Australia.Taking the role of Kyle Crane, an undercover operative sent into the quarantined city of Harran to recover an important file from a rogue political figure, he must decide on continuing his assigned mission or to help out the remaining survivors against the infected population.

Announced in May 2013, it was released in January 2015 for Microsoft Windows, Linux, PlayStation 4, and Xbox One.