This is a game that we're going to be talking about for decades to come. What a time to be alive, huh? A new bar has been set in open world gaming. Find the highest-scoring games exclusive to every platform, from the new Nintendo Switch all the way back to the Sega Genesis. Nintendo have captured the sense of wonder, danger, and awe that they created in 1986, and embedded it in a vast, enthralling world. It's just a little bit of a shame that the issue I've had with the tech not really being able to do the game full justice, particularly the visuals, is of course as real as I claimed it to be since day one. Lovecraft Country: Season 1 At times, particularly after a long stretch of climbing to high points and exploring barren and cruel mountain ranges, the world can feel unwelcoming. [Issue#273] It’s everything I want from a game and one of the most rewarding experiences I’ve ever had. The experience is so phenomenal, it deserves to be in the conversation about the best Zelda game of all-time, if not the best games of all-time. This is one of the largest and more surprising games Nintendo has ever made, overwhelmingly big and a true revolution for the franchise. Any luck in picking up the Switch edition of the game on a pre-order, or the amiibo also with a street date of today? A game that marries the best bits of the franchise’s long history with the best bits of the rest of the gaming world, and produces something even greater than the sum of its parts. If Nintendo allows mods on the system, actual mods, not the PS4 bs, it's a day one buy. The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild is an incredible journey and an exhilarating adventure in a rich world. We don't think these drops are particularly damaging to the experience but they are there, and those playing on a shiny new Switch may feel pangs of disappointment when it happens. To start off the consoles release with a new zelda game was great idea. In general the world is a masterpiece of design and craft, but like many open-world games there are occasional slip-ups, fleeting moments when the immersion is weakened.Moving on to the merits of handheld and TV play, the game naturally shines when the Switch is docked and you're getting the 1080p output on your larger screen (though the game is native 900p, we should add). It is a port after all.
I have played like 70 hours and i have a 30% game completion. While Nintendo might not be the ingenious pioneer of the 80s and 90s, they prove, that they are willing to evolve and are still able to set a creative mark. Another gripe I have with the game is that weapons break a little bit too often, but once again, its not that bad. The official website says it will be available for pre-purchase, but so far it's not.While it's pleasing to read this positive review, one thing stuck out negatively for me: did they really adopt that tower-mechanic from Ubisoft? Guess i'll see on fridayI'm amazed by the universal praise from pretty much every gaming site, including the "anti Nintendo" ones. Even so, it helps that the narrative holds up as well, providing another meaningful journey for the Hylian hero and heroine. We had to wait so long for it, but the wait has paid off.Things I'd like to know (I did read the article but it's long so I may have forgotten)I read somewhere you can train/domesticate dogs in game. Maybe not the best game to show Switch’s potential, but one of the best experiences so far.

I was hoping for more of a plot twist after the 4 guardians... like 6 more temples with a boss of their own individuality, with more gadgets like the hookshot, gauntlets, eye of truth, masks whatever... Great game regardless but 4 temples is way too short for a Zelda in my book.I tried. I think that honor should go to them. And a Zelda game may have been the last place in the world you expected to find it. Some are It was actually quite late in our playthrough - primarily targeting the story due to time constraints - that some of the most memorable moments emerged; for others, these could arrive earlier in the experience. For all that's familiar in the world and its inhabitants, the mechanics and the abilities they empower, there's one critical difference: Breath of the Wild sets you free. You know when you were a kid, in the summer, you used to have huge pretend adventures in the back garden with all your mates? Smart puzzles, dungeon-dwelling bosses, charming characters, and imaginative storytelling are still on the agenda. I wonder, why not keep a more traditional style Zelda game, even if they did move to a slightly more open style like Link Between Worlds, but then have a brand new IP for their open world game?To me, this would have been even better. It takes the core elements that fans know and love from Nintendo's long-standing series, and mixes it smoothly in with gorgeous open-world exploration of Xenoblade Chronicles, to craft something so breath-taking and absorbing that hours upon hours will pass by without notice, and barely any progress will have actually been made in the main story because there were so many other aspects to take in and play around with, as well as sub-missions that fit so naturally into the core quest.