Fuck you, I have holy blade that needs feeding and moves on to distract the boss. If Amygdala cannot chase you, it will jump. I just want to get to Yharnam so I can platinum this beast and leave. You see, Amygdala is an Old One. They come and die in most horrible way possible with so many ridiculous ideas in their mind. Again, there are multiple answers to this boss. I'm gonna try to solo him until either someone responds or (ideally) I beat him.Amy is quite easy if you know what to do because he's pretty slow. You are lucky if you have survived a single hit; don’t look for miracles in armors. I’m not sure if they are actually “trolling” as in messing with other people or genuinely believe they are being helpful. So it becomes harder to get real help. In any case, none of them, in my experience, was accustomed to beating the boss with more than one player in the arena. Simply staying where you were doesn’t work anymore. The easiest way to survive the jump is to run towards the roofing. At least stay with me till the second phase, folks.Not only it is harder for co-op player, it will be harder for you to aim the head as well. If you wish to pursue arcane, then choose Holy Moonlight Sword, for example. Your movement will slow down and that may be the chance Amygdala was hoping to get. There is a limit to amount of bullets you can carry with you. Face your fears as you search for answers in the ancient city of Yharnam, now cursed with a strange endemic illness spreading through the streets like wildfire. Danger, death and madness lurk around every corner of this dark and horrific world, and you must discover its darkest secrets in order to survive.Press J to jump to the feed. All it ever does is sitting on a one spot and move its top and arms around, until it hits 3rd phase. You simply don’t have time to draw.Should you choose to change some runes, have more vials than bullets. down to that point was brutal. Contemplating how to beat the boss was definitely part of the fun.

While it is entirely doable, the space will get smaller in the second phase, and it will practically disappear in the third phase. You would have enough time to shoot at least 2 arrows. As you can see in the video, it doesn’t one-shot you, and the range of each arms differ greatly. I’ve seen several who march toward the Amygdala with the fanciest weapon ever and dies in less than a minute, with less than 1000 damages done to the boss. NPC cannot coordinate with each other, at least not against this boss.As for the actual players, I’ve had several players who said “I’ve beaten it before, I can do this” and dies before the third phase.

You can actually see the pool of blood echos I couldn’t pick up as I move around. Thanks!Look up the cheese strategy, it makes amygdala trivialAmygala slaps you.


And that is why this is one of the most annoying boss out there. There are roofings around the arena, which can be used to avoid literal head of Amygdala.

So I've been stuck on this dude for like? When you move around, either to lure or to evade, make sure you don’t move too much. Amygdala is basically a solitary turret. Member. Hilarious_Bearious. Give it some time to observe the pattern. If you can’t kill it with fire, kill it with bolt. Now it will be sporadic time to time.As for the sphere itself, be careful not to be too close to it. ... Bloodborne was my first time really getting into one of From’s games, after playing Demon’s Souls and realizing the challenge wasn’t for me. The dungeon’s health point regulation really kills most people’s sense of playing Bloodborne.With more than one player in the arena, it becomes harder to trace the pattern of Amygdala. If you want to test your limits, why not stay with melee weapons and enjoy the dance with a Great One? Again with less than 1000 damages total. It will actively walk toward you and reach out to you with its arms.Don’t bother to make blood bullets. You want to keep yourself in diagonal location? That being said, if you can’t kill it with melee then choose long-ranged.