9S vehemently denies it, but route C gives the lie to his words after 2B's death.machines deliberately push him to the brink and 9S sinks deeper into his misplaced hatred of A2.in Ending A/B, where this same upload is transmitted across the nearby machines, allowing him to avoid a the ending lets him choose to leave with Adam and Eve and the rest of the machine lifeforms to find a new world.During the final phase of the story, he loses 2B, leading him on a downward spiral into despair until the very end when he loses any remaining desire to live, having finally figured out the Adam hacks into his memories, he mentions that 9S desires to **** 2B. Jean-Paul is a self absorbed robot who lives in Pascal's Village in Nier: Automata. Emil eventually shows up again with his head bolted to an auto rickshaw, driving around the abandoned city while blaring a strange song into a loudspeaker.

Together with Pod 153, he decides to rebuild A2, 2B and 9S.We learn in the second half of the game that the Pods are capable of hacking as well, as seen when 042 allows A2 to hack into the various data files in the Copied Library in the Tower and, more importantly, when A2 needs 042 to hack into 9S to stop the Logic Virus from completely corrupting him in Ending C.During the final fight with Eve in Ending A, 9S attempts to hack into Eve and sever his connection to the network. Eve is Adam's younger brother and one of the primary antagonists of Nier: Automata. Pick one of the characters below to see more information about them.After clearing your third playthrough however, you will unlock a Chapter Select option from the main menu which lets you play as any character, provided they were available in that chapter. This desire, along with fighting alongside her unit and the Resistance during the Pearl Harbor incident, A2 was this. Understandably, he does not take it well.After many of the non-sentient machine lifeforms (and some of the villagers) go berserk and try to kill them, Pascal and A2 take the initiative and fights them off. Featured DLC. Characters.
Both don't end up changing the world in any significant way. Players cannot freely choose which character they wish to play whenever they want. She does it quickly and Gains an extra, darker meaning when you discover that she is, well, not 2B — she's 2E, short for "Executioner". The machine network uses 6O to deliver their message to the corrupted Bunker.

Darkfire Heroes Tier List 9S himself is also revealed to have been crucified the same way. His inability to reconcile his true feelings towards 2B causes him to go completely insane after she dies.In Ending C, you take control of A2 to fight 9S off and hack him to stop the corruption from spreading any further in his system.As the final boss of Ending C, 9S's AI will actually try to hack into A2 during the fight, similar to how the player could utilize 9S's hacking skills when playing as him. After he ran out of fuel and was captured by the Machine Lifeforms, had his body ripped apart, and his mind placed in a server, he now gets to watch as the Machines, terrified by the possibility of another Assimilator Unit rampage, collect and destroy every single doll they can find. After the destruction of the Bunker and the death of 2B, 9S gradually descends into madness, becoming obsessed with destroying everything he finds in an vain effort to end his own pain. A robot boss from the first two playthroughs of Nier: Automata who cannibalizes other robots and wears the trappings of an opera singer. The sight of 9S's crucified body really pissed 2B off, to say the least.Once you complete the "Gathering Keepsakes" sidequest and have access to Kainé's home, you can take 9S down there to say some words of mourning for 2B and put a stick with a sash tied around it in the Lunar Tears field in hopes that her soul will finally be at peace. The surviving androids from Earth's previous civilization are still around and help out against the machine invasion as a resistance force.The leader of the android Resistance in the Pacific still residing on Earth.A data analysis officer and member of the Resistance. Emil once defeated is sad because 9S proves strength is the only thing that matters in the world and nothing else.On the receiving end of one; 2B strangles him in Ending A/B before the Logic Virus can take him over completely.Doubly subverted after 2B dies, as his friendly persona gives way to an angry, bitter and vengeful personality.9S taught himself how to use it in preparation for killing 2BTo Eve and the insane Emils. Can quickly turn into utterly lethal the aliens that invade the planet by cloning himself in ridiculous numbers in order to stop them for good, at the cost of splintering his consciousness and sacrificing his mental cohesion along with it.As far as we know, Emil is the last sapient organic lifeform on Earth (being generous with the term "organic"), or anywhere nearby (emphasis on "sapient" — plants, fish, boars and moose are still roaming around by the events of inside the head of a bog-standard medium biped machine lifeformThis Emil is not the original Emil, but one of many clones that the original created in order to help fight the alien invasion. The “YoRHa” android forces are commanded from the Bunker, a reconnaissance base in orbit above Earth. There are implications that Jackass has been acting as an informal intelligence source within the Resistance for the Commander. Kind, preocupied, and suffering under the weight of her own task. Then she herself is on the receiving end of this by A2 due to, again, the Logic Virus's corruption.It was good, though. First appeared as Number Two in the A Defense Unit that 2B later meets at the Bunker. http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Characters/NierAutomataA male-model YoRHa unit who accompanies 2B. Refusing to join the machines on their Ark in Ending D will have him take one last look at the sky before he whispers, "Ah, so that's where you were... 2B," before he shuts down permanently (shown to happen through various endings, but especially one: Dies writhing helplessly in a pool of his own fluids due to A2's sword impaling him in Ending D, his agonized screaming eventually giving way to pitiful crying.in regards to Project YoRHa's true nature and ultimately meant to be disposed of in the end.