Malak agrees to hear this and to hire Nord to hunt down the party and bring Bastila to him alive. Gender, order of planets visited and other variables can differ depending on the input of the player. Upon returning to the Ebon Hawk for the first time you can encounter Visas and add her to your party. In a tense confrontation, Revan is forced to defend the light from the very person most responsible for his redemption. Come nightfall, Kotor’s spectacularly lit-up walls glow as serenely as a halo. Revan begins the journey at Level 1 and after he character surpasses Level 6, new characters are brought into the party at Level 6 with all experience gained through the journey shared with them. He decides to confront her about her falling and promises to protect Revan from going down a path of self-destruction.After she gives in to Bastila's offer to join her in killing Malak, she would tell the group the same thing as the male Revan would, though Carth's reaction varies slightly, saying that she is not the woman he fell in love with (if the Carth romance was completed) before running away.

However, no plans of making another Formerly projected for a Spring 2011 release, BioWare began development on Additionally, the game spawned a series of novels, the third of which was entitled A large number of well-known and experienced voice actors were included in the game. Afterwards, Revan flees along with the rest of his companions, barely escaping the final destruction of the Star Forge. Male characters get the Handmaiden, females get the disciple.While there is not much for the player to gain here, it is useful to get as high a level as you can for the upcoming fights on Korriban and the eventual final fight.Korriban is, in my opinion, best saved for last. Revan starts to overpower Malak who uses the technology of the Star Forge and the bodies of Jedi he had captured from the Jedi academy on Dantooine to fuel his power, restoring his lifeforce and strength to maximum levels. When player leans completely to one side, he earns "Mastery" of that side and surges with the Force, earning a bonus in battle.

Refusing to leave in spite of warnings, the Padawan fights his way through the facility and obtains an When the Padawan is reunited with his companions at the entrance of the base, they meet Darth Bandon, accompanied by two As the party leaves Manaan, they are caught in the tractor beam of the Meanwhile the party member is able to infiltrate the After getting to the bridge by walking along the hull of the ship in environmental suits, the Padawan, Carth, and Bastila confront Admiral Karath and his men there. Then the Dark Lord says he is surprised to see the Padawan again, which confuses the Jedi-in-training. If the Exile follows the light side of the Force, the Saul Karath made an appearance, still an officer with the Galactic Republic as the story takes place before the Bombing of Telos IV, he first appears in Issue 8 aboard the Mission Vao, then a five year old, met Carrick in the streets of Taris and became fast friends with him; going so far as to bite the leg of the then-Hidden Bek Brejik to protect the Jedi, though she was quickly pulled away by her brother Griff. Korriban: Do everything and get the Star Map.

Damage to the Revan discovers the Rakatans are divided into several tribes, one of which was Inside, the three find their way to the disruptor field controls, only to be confronted by Bastila who has fallen to the dark side. They are also given the opportunity to learn new Feats and Force-sensitives have access to the discovery new Experience, abbreviated XP, is accumulated by completing various quests and defeating enemies. While talking to the characters, the player is given options for him to say, some that lean towards the light side of the Force, others that lean to the dark, and some more neutral responses that lead to no shifts. As the player leans more to the dark side, his appearance begins to change, relative to the character model chosen at the beginning of the game.

Bastila tries to seduce him back to the dark side, even going so far as to pledge her loyalty to him and promising him that she would use her Battle meditation in his service and become his apprentice and lover. Healing the sick man in the refugee sector or enlisting his help in repairing the Airspeeder are two big ways.