Chloe, Nadine and Sam take in the beautiful view together as they revel in their victory.!

Once you’ve completely destroyed the back of the locomotive, your truck is about to blow. Follow Nadine’s suggestion and run them off the “road” before they shoot you. Diese Kiste findet ihr direkt hinter dem MG-Geschütz an der Wand. Springt auf den Wagen, der neben euch herfährt und drückt auf das Gaspedal. This will knock the three of you down into the car and directly next to the bomb.Fight Asav with Nadine again while you inch closer to the massive explosive with each hit. Wenig später steigen die Feinde auf Autos um und nehmen euch abseits des Zugs ins Visier. If a firefight breaks out, motorcycle-riding reinforcements will appear alongside the train. Da ihr unter Zeitdruck seid, solltet ihr die verfügbaren Granaten einsetzen. z.B.

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Led by fan-favorite character, Chloe Frazer, Uncharted: The Lost Legacy is an standalone chapter covering unseen aspects of the Uncharted saga. At the end of the next car, you’ll find an open window dressed with red, fluttering curtains.Hop through to climb to the top of the car, where Chloe and Nadine will spot a truck of Asav’s men ahead.You can progress either through or on top of the next car, but be mindful of the patrolling soldier inside. Pull your way onto the vehicle and take out the gunner.You can then use the turret to annihilate any other vehicles and men on the train.

Für Links auf dieser Seite erhält spieletipps ggf. Folgt dem Zug und weicht dabei allen Hindernissen aus. Led by fan-favorite character, Chloe Frazer, Uncharted: The Lost Legacy is an standalone chapter covering unseen aspects of the Uncharted saga. Blood, Language, Use of Alcohol and Tobacco, Violence, Online Interactions Not Rated by the ESRBAfter a tense discussion and shootout with the wounded Orca, Sam and Nadine agree to join Chloe on her suicide mission after the bomb-carrying train.

This will begin another cutscene in which Nadine says they should rush to a nearby control tower to divert the train, buying them some time.Nadine will deal with the enemies on the train while Chloe must leap onto another jeep to race toward the tower. Like before, dodge his strikes and attack when the opportunity presents itself. He’ll throw her onto the next car, where Nadine also happens to be already knocked down.Join her in bantering and getting to your respective feet before engaging in a two-on-one fistfight with Asav. After a short cutscene, Chloe resolves to get back to Nadine, who is still onboard.Leaving Sam to deal with the remaining insurgents, hop back in the jeep and get after that train. Help him push the lever to change the tracks, diverting the train toward the far off broken bridge. At a certain point, Sam will call out that you’re being pursued by men on motorbikes. After he hits you away and you fight back some more, knock him into the bomb until it tips over and crushes his leg.Victorious, walk away with Nadine as Asav insults Chloe.

Drop along the side to climb up to the roof hatch instead. Hop over the obstacle inside before sidling along another path on the train’s Once you reach the front of the car, look behind you to grab the Viceroy’s Penbox treasure.

Leap onto one of the jeeps with Nadine and throw out the men.Drive along the train as Nadine shoots your pursuers. Speed under the bridge and continue pursuing the locomotive, running your pursuers off their bikes whenever you can.Once close enough to the train, Nadine will leap to it from the jeep. von Sergej Jurtaev (aktualisiert am Mittwoch, 20.09.2017 - 16:00 Uhr) Der Kampf ist nicht allzu schwer und ist mehr oder weniger geskriptet.

That way won’t work. Leap from the driver’s seat toward her hand as Sam takes the wheel, yelling encouragement as his voice fades into the distance.Once onboard, Chloe and Nadine press onward up the train.

At the third car, you can sidle along the left side of the train to grab the United India Company Coins treasure on the thin platform. You’ll soon get a good view of the train again as it crosses a distinct red bridge. Mit dem Greifhaken hängt ihr euch an den Laster und übernehmt die Kontrolle über das Geschütz und ballert, was das Zeug hält. Continue to drive alongside as she offers to pull you aboard. If you took the top path, you can use the grappling hook point on the right to swing around to the bottom of the subsequent train car. Achtet nur darauf, dass ihr pünktlich mit der Kreis-Taste ausweicht und nicht zu viele Treffer einsteckt.Am Ende stürzt Asav samt dem Zug in den Abgrund und ihr geht als Sieger hervor. Continue up the train until you reach a blue car with a heavy metal door.