With the Syrian War at its peak and ISIS at its absolute strongest, 2015 was a pivotal year in many ways.

"Deadly" a key word, not of healthy of avoiding sickness (666). The 80's? Woman still had mostly traditional roles but it was no longer out of the norm for them to have careers.

Plus amazing iconic films such as the Godfather (best film ever), Star Wars, Apocalypse Now, Jaws, Taxi Driver and the Godfather Part II. The 10 fastest-growing jobs of the next decade—and what they pay Published Sat, Sep 7 2019 9:30 AM EDT Updated Sat, Sep 7 2019 9:29 AM EDT Jennifer Liu @jljenniferliu

Who else here remember fidget spinners! You gotta know those!

And, just like that, all hopes for a delayed, soft, or canceled Brexit became just so much dust.While there’s plenty to say about why the election produced the result it did (you can sum it up as “Boris hammered the issue voters cared about (Brexit), the Labour Party stupidly ignored it”), but this column is more interested in the long-term effects going into the next decade.

Compares to the worst decade of 2010s or so and 2020Watch O' Brother Where Art Thou? Then the fifties.Best decade for partying, classiness, disease, speakeasies, rich people, gun violence, and abuse overuse of alcohol! Megaupload disputed the FBI’s figures, saying that their income was grossly exaggerated, but Dotcom, with 3 other Megaupload executives, was arrested at a $30 million mansion in New Zealand, which probably didn’t help his case. 64-year old Paddock murdered 58 people and injured 413 more.

Today, the music is crap, the clothes are... interesting, and people spend too much time on their phones! Things where still made here in the USA and people who put in an honest days work made an honest days pay.Yes Vietnam was ongoing in the early 70’s but outside that it was an era of peace and just the right balance of conservatism and progressiveness. However, since I didn't actually live through the 80's I can't for sure say what it was truly like, but I'm sure it wasn't all sunshine and rainbows like the kids in these comments seem to think.I was born in the '70s and I have to say I love the 80's. Pope Francis quickly became the biggest story of the year, due to his kind, gentle and loving approach to being the pope. Personal incomes doubled over the course of the decade, and the DOW topped 10,000 for the first time in recorded history. In the Gregorian calendar, a year has on average 365.2425 days. It was a moment the likes of which I will never witness again.

The brutal attacks that killed 130 – wherein armed militants struck at four of the most popular locations in the city – brought the horrors of the war in Syria home for many in the Western world. You still could feel like you could accomplish things on your own and not rely on a computer to do it for you.

What about homophobia? Once the 2020s come, this decade will be in the top 5. A fist fight usually solved a dispute without someone pulling a knife or gun, and without going to jail. I feel this decade brings the benefits that no other decade has.In 60's you had Stanley kubrick and Alfred hitchcok making films.Oh my, the 60’s. Hypocrisy is bigger than ever.

HOT 100 SONGS 2010s. And you'll understand what I mean.Well yeah,30s was a hard time for Afro-Americans living because of flood of racism and possibly Hitler teaching of racial superiority.Great Depression Time so I think it's good it's not up top...I'd probably say the 1930s is the worst but this is the 2nd. Not to mention it was political correct enough to stop discrimination seen in the 80's and previous decades, without the over enforced PC standards that make comedy and general conversation rather stale today!I always wanted to be a 2000’s kid.

Potato Chip bags were full with potato chips and not just air in the bag.

Even back in the tumultuous days of the early church when the still rare but larger amount of resignations occurred, many resignations were arguably popes being forced out of their position.

The sounds of both elation and disbelief reached the windows of my 40th floor hotel room.I ventured back to the street and watched in astonishment as tens of thousands of protesters began to fill Central Park West.

He is also the first pope from the Americas and the first from South America, as well as the first pope from outside Europe since the 8th century. Many European countries introduced laws that restricted – or flat out prohibited – the entry of refugees immediately after it. Despite Dotcom being a German citizen, and the business being registered in Hong Kong, the FBI applied for extradition and seized Megaupload’s data.This had serious potential implications for all those registered subscribers, and the hacker group Anonymous, also took exception to ‘their’ downloads being repossessed.Anonymous launched a massive Distributed Denial of Service attack against the FBI, and the regulatory organisations for the distribution of music and film in America, amongst others. Dotcom faces charges of racketeering, copyright infringement, money laundering and wire fraud, despite the fact that Megaupload users did not pay for file transfers. Friends, it’s true: the end of the decade approaches. By Emily Temple.

shut down after a certain hour there was no information overload like it is today. Men were men and women were women.