Note that Travel & Accommodations are not included.You will also receive 4 copies of the game and 4x the physical rewards.IMPORTANT: This pledge does NOT include shipping, which you will pay from the Pledge Manager after the Kickstarter Campaign. All content is the property of Tactical Adventures make sure to sign up to our Newsletter to stay informed of our latest Development Updates. Everlasting Torch, for a brighter tomorrow. You’ll be able to play the game through to Oct. 18 if you haven’t already.You’re also still able to pledge support for the game via its Solasta is set in a dynamic and mysterious world features elements of verticality, allowing players to use their surroundings as an element of strategy. Note: You get all the rewards from the previous tiers, except Physical and Limited rewards.Want to use Solasta in your tabletop campaign? Thanks to everyone who brought their friends to the Kickstarter, every backer will receive these three magic items: The Dwarven Bread, The Six League Boots & The One Ring! “Solasta”, “Solasta: Crown of the Magister” & “Tactical Adventures” are trademarks of We will ship the Physical Rewards within 3 months of the game's final release.Receive a physical painting of our Rogue by our Art Director! Here's to hoping other players won't murder him!IMPORTANT: This pledge does NOT include shipping, which you will pay from the Pledge Manager after the Kickstarter Campaign. Well, now you'll be able to know!Note: You get all the rewards from the previous tiers, except Physical and Limited rewards.Get your name, your dog's name or your character's name in our Character Creation Random Name Pool (under conditions)!

French developer Tactical Adventures has smashed its Kickstarter goals for their faithful D&D adaptation Solasta: Crown of the Magister with a week to go. Critters & Con visitors, Tabletop veterans, Twitch lurkers, Youtube watchers, Tactical RPG fans and more… We are extremely grateful to our backers who came from all over the world! Make sure to inform us well beforehand so that we're available on that day. We will ship the Physical Rewards within 3 months of the game's final release. Otherwise you can create an account, the Backer Code is pre-filled if you clicked on the URL. We will ship the Physical Rewards within 3 months of the game's final release.Receive a physical painting of our Fighter by our Art Director! In September 2019, Solasta: Crown of the Magister Kickstarter Campaign brought together 6,000 fans, raising a total of $270,000! This version has an additional Art section containing Sketches, Concept Art & Illustrations. Solasta: Crown of the Magister brings back the thrill, tactics, and deep storytelling of tabletop games. See Shipping section for more details. The Solasta Pantheon is not liable for any damage or injury caused through use of untested magic items.Note: You get all the rewards from the previous tiers, except Physical and Limited rewards.Get the Physical version of the Solasta Campaign Rulebook - Kickstarter Edition with an upgraded cover! assets look like? Wishlist us on steam Wishlist us on steam. I accept to receive regularly the Solasta newsletter You will be able to bring Solasta to your table, quite literally. That, or they will curse its name for being "unfair" and "overpowered". We will ship the Physical Rewards within 3 months of the game's final release.Note: You get all the rewards from the previous tiers, except Physical and Limited rewards.Write down your name in the Monument of the Dead! Make sure to inform us well beforehand so that we're available on that day. See Shipping section for more details. Join our community and sign in to do it. To aid in development costs, Tactical Adventures (creators of Solasta) has opened up a Kickstarter campaign. We will ship the Physical Rewards within 3 months of the game's final release.Note: You get all the rewards from the previous tiers, except Physical and Limited rewards.Get a Physical copy of the Solasta Campaign Rulebook - Kickstarter Edition, a Vinyl Record of the game's OST as well as the Solasta Adventure Box on top of everything else before!IMPORTANT: This pledge does NOT include shipping, which you will pay from the Pledge Manager after the Kickstarter Campaign.

We will ship the Physical Rewards within 3 months of the game's final release.Note: This Tier will get the content of the Physical All Star Tier (€162 / $179) in addition of the new Tier Reward.You get to co-design a Magic Item with us and write a short description for it! Note that we're not responsible for what he'll go through at the hand of other players.Note: You get all the rewards from the previous tiers, except Physical and Limited rewards.Everything you need to jump straight into a few Tabletop sessions with four of your friends! It could tell them of your untimely demise, your love for another... or simply it could simply be a misplaced shopping list.IMPORTANT: This pledge does NOT include shipping, which you will pay from the Pledge Manager after the Kickstarter Campaign. You've heard it right, Solasta: Crown of the Magister will be hitting Kickstarter on September 3rd 2019... in a mere two weeks!