$319 You can rest at the idol and come back to eavesdrop on a conversation Doujun has with his master. Location: Kotaro can be found near the Senpou Temple, Mt. You can lure Jinzaemon to the Abandoned Dungeon as part of the Doujun quest. I'm in the memory early on and in the area shortly after getting the axe theres a guy who is just standing facing a door with his back turned. Interacting with it will bring you to the Hall of Illusions. Some people think that his dialogue when you first meet him means that you should kill him. *Defeat the Divine Dragon* to cause the Ashina Castle to be invaded.

After that, you need to find Isshin Ashina. Looked it up and this, along with straight up killing them, is just a common fucking problem with NPC's in … This is not true. He's the guy that gives you some sort of letter. However, the Promissory Note grants a 10 percent discount for all other merchants in the game.Doujun the Surgeon is located in the Abandoned Dungeon, standing near a grate in the dungeon’s large central room.

This can only be done if you have already found Tengu of Ashina, back in the Ashina Castle Gate Fortress. Vault forward and dispose of the 4 rat enemies. Jump to it, then move through the passageway to find the Shugendo Idol. When you leave that building, you will see a branch you can grapple to. Kongo.When facing the bridge where you fought the Armored Warrior boss, turn around and proceed to a grove of pinwheels. Once you choose that you travel back to the Abandoned Dungeon Entrance. When you first speak to him, he’ll ask you to lure “a strong man” to his location so he can experiment on them. When you meet him, he explains that he is searching for a pure white flower and seems to regret losing track of several children he … $569 Purchase both items and he’ll move over to the Ashina Castle area. For each task you complete for Anayama, his stock of items for purchase will expand. From where you find Kotaro keep going deeper into Senpou Temple area. The master is in the cave to the left exit of the temple.Rest at a Sculptor’s Idol and return to her to get the Frozen Tears which will allow you to get the Dragon’s Homecoming ending. To complete Anayama’s questline, you must purchase his Promissory Note item after the Ashina Castle invasion. the final skill in any skill tree).

Kongo will be a big fat monk who grieves for being left alone. If you do this, the merchant will have new items for sale if you return to him. Speak to him to reveal whose grave that before he returns to Ashina Castle. In Sekiro Shadows Die Twice there are various NPC whom you might come across when you are running all around the maps. Up next is a very interesting boss fight that I don’t want to spoil.

Once you unlock Hall of Illusions area you will meet him there again and talk to him to finish the quest.If you help Kotaro and spirit him away he will go to the Hall of Illusions you can reach in Senpou Temple. He is feeling lonely since everyone left him behind and is desperately asking you to find him a pure white flower.Resolving his destiny and finishing his quest can be done in several ways. This white flower is actually a white pinwheel which you can find up at the top of Mt. You’ll meet Jinzaemon Kumano at various points throughout the game, and each time you speak with him he’ll mention how he can hear a faint music. The games are not really designed for all the quests to be done in a single playthrough, so don’t feel bad if some options are just not available to you. There will be a ledge you can take that takes you upwards towards a wooden bridge with a mini boss. Kotaro is an NPC in Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice.Kotaro is a peaceful, child-like monk that seems troubled by the pounding pain in his head. If you didn’t get the Mushin Esoteric Text from him, you can speak to Lord Isshin and he’ll give you the text as long as you meet the same criteria (having unlocking a final skill in any skill tree).Towards the end of the game, after you obtain the Divine Dragon Tears, return to Kotaro’s room in Ashina castle and you’ll find Emma kneeling over a dead Lord Isshin. Return to Koremori’s Pot and claim the reward.If you feed the Pot Noble Harunaga’s Truly Precious Bait, both Great Colored Carp and Koremori will die and Harunaga will reward you.This NPC Is located at the Ashina Outskirts and can be found just before the He will then ask you to find “What the Ashina Samurai Want”. Over to your left is a series of cliffs you can drop down to and navigate to reach a large bell (the Demon Bell). Grab the Red and White Pinwheel from here, as this can be important depending on what you want to do with Kotaro.From where you pick up the pinwheel, turn to the left and look over the cliff. In the end you will reach the Gun Fort idol. Travel up the ledge, and continue up the cliff face. In fact, he’ll even sell you a few items, including two unique items: the Iron Fortress (which becomes the Loaded Umbrella prosthetic tool) for 1,600 Sen and the Anti-Air Deathblow scroll for 1,200 Sen.If you purchase both the Iron Fortress and Anti-Air Deathblow scroll, Blackhat Badger will thank you and tell you he’s heading over to Senpou Temple.
You can swing your katana at him as much as you won’t, but you won’t do damage.
Doing this will allow you to pass unharmed.Use the Bundled Jizo Statue near her and she will give you Ungo’s Sugar. Once you obtain the Mortal Blade from the Divine Child in Senpou Temple, you can use it to permanently kill Hanbei as per his request. Doujan will be in the first chamber of the dungeon. The only NPC who can be sent as an employee is Kotaro the Monk, and doing so locks out the rest of Kotaro’s questline. NPC Quests in Sekiro …