Below you can see all the data you need to input.You can use any e-mail address. Mit einer japanischen PSN Karte können Sie auf alle Artikel im japanischen PlayStation Store zugreifen, neue Spiele, DLCs, Videos, Streams und Musik kaufen sowie herunterladen.
All the adventures. B. PayPal. The Japanese PlayStation Store is a treasure chest for those willing to put in the little effort required to unlock it by creating a Japanese PSN account.

That PSN ID is taken, you’re gonna have to retry.As soon as you find a PSN ID that no one else already used, you’ll finally be able to start inserting your data, as described in the image below. Unsere Partner und wir verwenden Technologien wie Cookies, um Ihnen ein optimales Online-Erlebnis zu bieten. This is always a particularly pressing issue for fans of Japanese games, with the Japanese version of the PlayStation Store for PS4 seeing things like Japan-exclusive demos of Yakuza 6 and Final Fantasy 15 in the past. Then confirm.If for some reason you’re not logged in, you’ll see the window below instead.
The Japanese PlayStation Store is a treasure chest for those willing to put in the little effort required to unlock it by creating a Japanese PSN account.

If the last doesn’t, which sometimes happens, open it up, input a random Japanese character from the keyboard and then pick one of the auto-fill results the PS4 offers up. Congratulations! Zum Schluss wird Ihnen der Code direkt per E-Mail oder kostenlos per SMS zugeschickt. Your account is now fully functional and active.Keep in mind that now the dashboard will be back to the language you selected with your primary account, so you can easily find your way around.

Naturally, you don’t want or need any of that. If Sony starts getting thousands of users living in the same hotel in Tokyo, they might start getting antsy about it.

All Rights Reserved. Always Open. Below you can see an example.Now I basically need to teach you how to read a Japanese address, because you’ll need to disassemble it into the data you need. von ein und klicken Sie auf „Einlösen“. genannt, können Sie unkompliziert, schnell und sicher auf online kaufen.Tragen Sie Ihre E-Mail-Adresse ein, an die wir Ihren PSN Japan Code schicken sollen.Sobald die Zahlung erfolgt ist, wird Ihnen Ihr PSN Japan Code per E-Mail zugestellt.Um Ihr Japan PSN Guthaben im PSN Japan Store einlösen zu können, benötigen Sie eine japanische IP-Adresse und einen japanischen PlayStation Network Account. Sofortige Lieferung

Normally, it’s instantaneous.The mail you received looks like the picture below. Within Japanese games, it’ll be usually the opposite, circle to confirm and X to cancel.Your name should be already filled in. Don’t worry, we’re here to help.

You’ll notice that your PSN ID will appear on the top right exactly like in the western stores. This will allow you to play Japanese games you downloaded from the PSN on your main account, and get their trophies on it. Fans of Japanese games will find a slew of exciting items on the Japanese PlayStation Store for PS4 – but you’ll need to navigate the menus to get a Japanese PSN … The best way is to find the address of a local hotel. As a matter of fact, I would advise to note down all the data you submit during the process, as it might turn out to be useful in the future.Leave the country as is. They’re broadly the same as the ones you’ll have in your home territory, but we stress again that we’re not doing a full translation of them and legally by accepting them, you’re bound to them.At this point the Japanese PSN account process will throw you up other options – trying to sell you PlayStation Plus or get you to make this PS4 into your primary account. If you use Google Chrome the translation feature should let you navigate it with ease, but first things first: you need an account.Click on the “アカウントの作成” option to create a new account.The next window is where things start to get a bit complex, especially since Chrome does not automatically translate the pop-up. The Japanese PlayStation Store is a treasure chest for those willing to put in the little effort required to unlock it by creating a Japanese PSN account. This is actually advisable, as they might be helpful to recover your password in the case you forget it. Just make sure that you don’t use one that is already bound to another PSN account, or of course, it won’t accept it.If it displays this message in orange, you are trying to use a mail that you already used for another region.You can use any gender and birthdate, even your real ones. I’m not providing you with an address to copy and paste because it’s better that you pick your own. The first is the one you need on for betas, allowing Sony Interactive Entertainment to send you marketing mail and notifications.The second allows the whole Sony group to send you promotions and advertisement, so unless you’re interested in receiving a lot of spam in Japanese, uncheck it.And with this, you’re all set. This whole process can very easily be completed in half an hour or your time. They want want $52 for a 5000 yen PSN card (which is like $46 according to the current exhange rate), which I'm willing to pay if I have to but I'd rather buy somewhere else if there's a reputable seller that's cheaper. PS Plus 2020年8月のフリープレイに『CoD:MW2 キャンペーン リマスタード』などが登場! PlayStation Store 『Fall Guys: Ultimate Knockout』など今週発売の新作ゲームをチェック! Auf können Sie Guthaben von verschiedenen Providern, Game Cards oder Entertainment Cards innerhalb von 30 Sekunden aufladen. By Alex Donaldson, Any answer will work (just remember it, in case you need to recover your password). If you aren’t logged in, just click on the login link and log in as described above.You can now use the account exactly like your usual one.Now open your PS4 (we’re using PS4 as an example. The next screen lets you pick an avatar, and then after that, a username:We picked the man from Haze because Haze is a very poor ‘Halo Killer’ with Once you’ve picked an avatar from the pre-set Japanese PSN offering, of which there’s many, you’ll get to the screen pictured above. Then reload the store, and your wallet will be updated, ready to purchase your game.Since we’re at it.