And such points to her “living on a prayer”, as in having faith that in the end everything will work out for the best.But due to the strenuousness of the situation, she also lacks confidence sometimes and “dreams of running away”. Moreover the track has gone triple-Platinum in the United States.“Livin’ on a Prayer” also reached number one in Canada, New Zealand, Norway and on the UK Rock and Metal Chart. Indeed the fact that they have each other as mutual support is more important than their lack of money. Livin' on a Prayer est un morceau de l'album Slippery When Wet de Bon Jovi.Pierre angulaire du long succès du groupe Bon Jovi, et véritable signature du groupe, Livin' on a Prayer est désormais considéré comme un classique de la musique de variété anglo-saxonne. Unauthorized distribution, transmission or republication strictly prohibited. Ich habe Angst meine Stimme kaputt zu machen oder auch zu verlieren und weiß nicht ob das einfach nur normal ist als Gesangs(anfänger) und das irgendwann weg geht.wollte mal fragen, ob Bon Jovi Lieder allgemein schwer auf (E-) Gitarre zu spielen sind. Danke im Vorraus! "Livin' on a prayer" - Bon Jovi - Bedeutung einer Passage Hallo :) hab letztens "Livin' on a prayer" von Jon Bon Jovi gehört und mir mal den Songtext angeguckt. One is a guy Jon Bon Jovi personally knew in high school who gave up his realistic ambitions to become a professional-baseball player rather to take care of his girlfriend, who unexpectedly got pregnant. ich beobachte immer wieder das Schlagzeuger auf live Konzerten bei einigen Songs Kopfhörer auf haben. In fact she encourages Tommy to stay strong in the midst of such adversity, even if they don’t know where the road ultimately leads. Song Meanings and Facts © 2020. 4. And such is the case with the aforementioned characters.From the onset Tommy is depicted as an unemployed dock worker who is “down on his luck”.
Rodrigo de Souza 199,151 views. 「Livin' On A Prayer」 - YouTube テンプレートを表示 「 リヴィン・オン・ア・プレイヤー 」(Livin' on a Prayer)は、 ボン・ジョヴィ が 1986年 に発表したシングル。
Sambora used a talkbox on that song as well. :) hab letztens "Livin' on a prayer" von Jon Bon Jovi gehört und mir mal den Songtext angeguckt. Le titre est repris dans les jeux Rock Band 2 et Guitar Hero World Tour 'Livin' On A Prayer' is most certainly nondenominational." The music video to this track, which was filmed in Los Angles (the Grand Olympic Auditorium specifically), had Wayne Isham as its director. Ich hoffe, dass jemand den Song kennt und mir den Titel sagen kann. “Living on a prayer” is basically an expression that points to the idea of living by faith. And why a love song? Sie stehen für die durchschnittlichen Einwohner von Jon Bon Jovi mochte den Song anfangs nicht und wollte ihn auch nicht auf dem Album Die Veröffentlichung war am 24. “Livin’ on a Prayer” also became an unofficial anthem of sympathy towards the victims of the World Trade Center bombing in 2001. Cause it doesn't make a difference if we make it or not. If you encounter a comment that is abusive, click the "X" in the upper right corner of the comment box to report spam or abuse. Livin' on a Prayer ist ein Lied von Bon Jovi aus dem Jahr 1986, das von Jon Bon Jovi, Richie Sambora und Desmond Child geschrieben wurde. Early Burly asked me if I needed a ride = Someone early in the morning that wanted to pick him up because he was hitch hiking. Is it us?’”He reveals bass player Hugh McDonald’s uncredited contribution finally prompted him to add the track to the group’s Slippery When Wet album.“We wrote it (song) on acoustic guitars, so there was no drum beat or anything,” Bon Jovi added. gutefrage ist so vielseitig wie keine andere 6. checkin' out the weather charts to see if it was safe outside = Make sure there are no cops around ...wenn nicht lasst es!So in der Art, Richtung. September 1986 im Grand Olympic Auditorium All Rights Reserved. Le titre est repris dans les jeux Rock Band 2 et Guitar Hero World Tour. 5. And such is the case with the aforementioned characters. And both “Tommy and Gina” are given a shoutout in “ This song was written by Jon Bon Jovi, his bandmate Richie Sambora and another prominent musician by the name of Desmond Child.
Livin' On a Prayer (Once upon a time, not so long ago) Tommy used to work on the docks Union's been on strike, he's down on his luck It's tough, so tough Gina works the diner all day Working for her man, she brings home her pay For love, for love.
Tripped the merry - go round=Felt so wild