The nearby pilot needed no further prodding and complied with the command.The time had come for Ren to face Skywalker personally. Recognizing the old man's uniform, Hux came to the conclusion that Bylsma was an Alderaanian Bylsma built a stretcher and carried Ren to his home, where Hux convinced the retired soldier to give him access to the ship's communications so that they could be rescued.

Upon Rey's arrival, Ren captures her and brings her to Snoke, who tortures her for Luke's location before ordering Ren to kill her.

As he grew, his force ability was already powerful, so he briefly trained under the Last Jedi, his uncle Luke Skywalker. Supreme Leader Ren prioritized the destruction of the Ben Solo, son of General Han Solo and Princess Leia Organa, was born one year after the Battle of Endor.While he was still in his mother's womb, Organa could feel him through The legacy of Darth Vader would cast a dark shadow over the life of his only grandchild.As an infant, Solo had difficulty falling asleep. After they are unable to sense Luke's presence, Ben elaborates on the confrontation, believing himself to have killed Luke, and states that he intends to leave the planet. In private, he lamented how Skywalker hoarded such treasures by storing them away in his temple, never to be used.Seeing his uncle standing over him with an ignited lightsaber had a profound impact on Solo's psyche. Concerned that the Resistance might have the full map to Skywalker, Snoke ordered Hux to unleash the Starkiller weapon against the On his way to Rey's holding cell, Ren learned that the girl had somehow broken out. Providing him a uniform, the group proceeds to the Shocked at Ben killing Ren, Voe attempts to reach for her lightsaber, only for it to be taken by Ben. Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. It had all been a plot to draw Rey, the means to find Luke Skywalker, right into Snoke's hands. Recognizing the strength that Solo possessed due to his bloodline,Sol heard a voice throughout his young life, and long believed it to be Snoke's.With Lor San Tekka's help, Solo and Skywalker discovered an ancient outpost of the Jedi Order on distant Elphrona.Solo digressed about the length of their journey, traveling to the edge between the known galaxy and unexplored space. Ben Solo, known also as Kylo Ren was a Human male and the son of Han Solo and Leia Organa.

He embraced his conviction that he was more powerful than any of Skywalker's other apprentices, individually or collectively, and even Skywalker himself. Ren and Rey were separated by a deep chasm, so Rey left the dark warrior behind, recovered Finn, and fled the planet with Chewbacca aboard the As the planet continued to collapse, Snoke ordered General Hux to find Ren and bring the young knight before the Supreme Leader so the young warrior's training could be completed.Ren remained at war within himself, having sustained hidden emotional wounds in addition to physical ones.Ren's failure cost him the respect of his Master Snoke, who derided his apprentice as a sentimental child hiding in a mask.But in light of his apprentice's most recent setback, Snoke retracted his faith in Ren's power.Fury building within him, Ren rose to attack his master, but Snoke quickly suppressed the attack with a surge of Ren led the attack on the Resistance flagship, but was unable to open fire on his mother.As Hux had anticipated through new tracking technology, the First Order armada emerged from hyperspace to find the Resistance fleet unprepared and defenseless. Ren, while neither denying nor confirming what Solo said about Snoke to be true, stated that it was too late for him. Solo took responsibility for Hennix's death, telling Ren that he killed his fellow Jedi. Their near lifeless bodies lay on the floor while the Emperor reveled in his restoration. Ben Solo, que mais tarde assumiu o nome de Kylo Ren, [1] [2] é um personagem do universo de Star Wars, servindo como o principal antagonista (ao lado de Palpatine) da terceira trilogia.Ele é filho da Princesa Leia com Han Solo e possui uma relação complicada com a protagonista Rey, a neta do Imperador, sendo ela sua principal rival, ao mesmo tempo em que eles progressivamente começam a … He tried to kill the light within him by saying that Ben wasn't his name, but Leia insisted it was and that he was loved.

As Ben Solo, out of the many apprentices his uncle trained, he was the most talented and skilled with a lightsaber. Before he knew it, a vision of Rey appeared before him. Skywalker made no effort to harm his nephew and only moved to avoid Ren's attacks. He has a red lightsaber that has a unique blade piece, representing his crossguard lightsaber He remembered how she treated everything between them as a competition, throughout their time together as Skywalker's apprentices. Quinn was skeptical of their alliance with the Sith Eternal, disdaining the cultists and their beliefs. Instead of complying, Ren uses the Force to ignite Luke's lightsaber at Snoke's side and cut him in half, and subsequently slays Snoke's royal guard with Rey's assistance. Though not yet at the heights of his grandfather's or his uncle's power, Ren's raw strength still gave him powerful abilities with the Force and in combat.Ren had the power to immobilize his targets, using the Force to make their bodies respond to his commands rather than their own.The dark side that flowed through Ren made him a nearly unstoppable force, manifested in the potent Ren could telekinetically control the actions of others regardless of the actual space between them and himself.By the time he ascended to the rank of Supreme Leader, Ren's ability with the Force allowed him to influence the actions of others across the galaxy.