Irregular Adjectives, Comparatives, Superlatives and Example Sentences
Irregular Adjective Comparative Form Superlative Form good better best bad worse worst far Farther/further Farthest/furthest little less least many more most Italian food is better than American food.
4 0 obj Good Better The best •I feel better today. Here is a list of the most common Irregular Adjectives. ��X~�q��2e=V��7�;��v���d�}_�Xb����\����5����86ؾ��d;��U��e�A�����ç�^]_����Y�x��*?�\����rm}�z:~��l�Uxv�Ϟ���G��NZ����/? Irregular Adjectives, Comparatives, Superlatives and Example Sentences << /Length 5 0 R /Filter /FlateDecode >> good bad far fun boring famous ill. better worse farther more fun more boring more famous worse best worst farthest most fun … %PDF-1.3 Just take a look at irregular verbs (they do not have the –ed ending for their simple past and past participle forms), the irregular nouns (they do not add -s or -es or -ies to their plurals).
An English Irregular Verb List — Free PDF Download Improve your English by learning and memorizing the common irregular verbs in English below. •Mark is the best footballer in the university. English Adjectives List, Regular and Extreme Adjectives List Regular Extreme Good Fantastic Dirty Filthy Pretty Gorgeous Surprising Astounding Small Tiny Clean Spotless Thin Gaunt Wet Soaked Bad Terrible Tasty Delicious Regular Extreme Ugly Hideous Big Huge Old Ancient Clever Brilliant Lively Vivacious Wise Sagacious Happy Jubilant Hot Boiling Tired Exhausted
Some Comparative Adjectives are Irregular – this means that the Comparative and Superlative forms are different, and you have to memorize them. The normal (regular) way to make comparative and superlative adjectives is to add -er/-est or use more/most, like this: big → bigger → biggest; expensive → more expensive → most expensive; Irregular adjectives use completely different forms. Remember that in English, all the parts of speech that do not follow the rules are called irregular. Irregular adjectives. See Chapter 20 "Grammar" , Section 20.6.3 "Using Comparatives and Superlatives" for more examples of irregular adjectives. In English, you can usually add -er or -est to the end of an adjective to make it comparative or superlative. • My dog is the best dog in the world. [��s��a��������?��鏂z$�Av��j��p��+�.n@hg܀�E��� (:4 ��u�u��i��Y7���tm'(����M&Ug@VW�˾w 2ip�q�>����͛�N�l����E��{��N��(A���(}�f�Y3{$��w�"�Y,���|ޥ����R�>� �M~�N>��p�I�/����W|�B��!��� �վ"����V�2��9�� �P:(���:�)0'�T凫{p�G�]�H�����PJ|B+�3鰭[Ǿ�۾�`3���El�L �8?��3� Old Older The oldest •She’s a good seven years older than me. Here is a list of irregular adjectives in English.
If you have any questions about studying English, please contact us. c�EՄ��2�B[��x��������F�_^�mh������U����_���_��7������W�����]���\*g�Y�v,ʺ)�m��`�\}�O��I�X�CS�u�e�MY�]+��}�6c�����n(jA$��۪.�!>��'m�Tԍ���o�Y�����D:u1)������&��]݃;�4�� Adjective Comparative Form Superlative Form.
• My mother's cooking is worse than your mother's cooking. x�\ێ��}�W0�m6���̛�8� �����Z�rveY���|e^�?9U]���!9\IF$`g��]]}����������r(�&o��n��:o�.��(���u�e�"���2��ˏ��� %���������
Notice that some are irregular when used with a certain meaning and not when used with a different meaning.
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