Hintergrundinformationen zu diesem Beitrag sind im WWW unter Please note: The publisher is not responsible for the content or functionality of any supporting information supplied by the authors. X-Ray structure data and DFT calculations, What Far‐Infrared Spectra Can Contribute to the Development of Force Fields for Ionic Liquids Used in Molecular Dynamics Simulations, Visual Evidence for Formation of Water‐in‐Ionic Liquid Microemulsions, Fern‐IR‐spektroskopische Charakterisierung der Wechselwirkung zwischen Kationen und Anionen in ionischen Flüssigkeiten, On the Validity of Stokes–Einstein and Stokes–Einstein–Debye Relations in Ionic Liquids and Ionic‐Liquid Mixtures, The Cation–Anion Interaction in Ionic Liquids Probed by Far‐Infrared Spectroscopy, Zum Verständnis ionischer Flüssigkeiten auf molekularer Ebene: Fakten, Probleme und Kontroversen, Understanding Ionic Liquids at the Molecular Level: Facts, Problems, and Controversies, Computing the 1H NMR Spectrum of a Bulk Ionic Liquid from Snapshots of Car–Parrinello Molecular Dynamics Simulations, Molecular Dynamic Simulations of Ionic Liquids: A Reliable Description of Structure, Thermodynamics and Dynamics, Characterizing Ionic Liquids as Reaction Media through a Chemical Probe, Scope and Mechanistic Insights into the Use of Tetradecyl(trihexyl)phosphonium Bistriflimide: A Remarkably Selective Ionic Liquid Solvent for Substitution Reactions, Microviscosity and Micropolarity Effects of Imidazolium Based Ionic Liquids Investigated by Spin Probes Their Diffusion and Spin Exchange, Einblick in die Polarität und Verwendung als chirales Lösungsmittel, More importantly, the NIR technique can be sensitively used for the noninvasive, in situ determination of absorbed water in RTILs, without any pretreatment, and at limits of detection as low as 3.20 x 10(-3) M.Recent developments in the enantioselective chemo- and bio-catalysis in ionic liquids are reviewed.
Among the RTILs studied, [BF4]- provides the strongest interactions and [PF6]- the weakest. It seems that higher amounts of water can be absorbed when the anion of the RTIL can strongly interact and hence stabilize absorbed water molecules by forming hydrogen bonds with them or inducing hydrogen bonds among water molecules. This review presents an survey of the most recent data material including current developments and aspects of research activities needed in the future.Vibrational studies that selectively probe molecular structure at CCl4/H2O and hydrocarbon/H2O interfaces show that the hydrogen bonding between adjacent water molecules at these interfaces is weak, in contrast to generally accepted models of water next to fluid hydrophobic surfaces that suggest strong hydrogen bonding. The increasing utilization of ionic liquids in chemical processes and separation processes requires reliable and systematic data of thermodynamic and thermophysical properties such as activity coefficients, VLE and LLE data, heats of mixing as well as gas solubility data, densities and transport properties like viscosity, electric conductivity and mutual diffusion coefficients. DOI: 10.1002/macp.1966.020920101 © 1966 Hüthig & Wepf Verlag, Basel and you may need to create a new Wiley Online Library account.Enter your email address below and we will send you your usernameIf the address matches an existing account you will receive an email with instructions to retrieve your username
I have read and accept the Wiley Online Library Terms and Conditions of UseChemomechanical Motion of a Self‐Oscillating Gel in a Protic Ionic Liquid, Chemomechanical Motion of a Self‐Oscillating Gel in a Protic Ionic Liquid, Evidence that Acetonitrile is Sensitive to Different Interaction Sites of Ionic Liquids as Revealed by Excess Spectroscopy, Exploiting hydrophobic borohydride-rich ionic liquids as faster-igniting rocket fuels, Towards Safer Rocket Fuels: Hypergolic Imidazolylidene‐Borane Compounds as Replacements for Hydrazine Derivatives, Calorimetric Studies and Structural Aspects of Ionic Liquids in Designing Sorption Materials for Thermal Energy Storage, Raman Spectroscopic Study on Alkyl Chain Conformation in 1‐Butyl‐3‐methylimidazolium Ionic Liquids and their Aqueous Mixtures, Cation-cation clusters in ionic liquids: Cooperative hydrogen bonding overcomes like-charge repulsion, Reduction of Carbon Dioxide to Formate at Low Overpotential Using a Superbase Ionic Liquid, Reduction of Carbon Dioxide to Formate at Low Overpotential Using a Superbase Ionic Liquid, Aqueous Brønsted–Lowry Chemistry of Ionic Liquid Ions, The Effect of C4H and C5H on the Microstructure of Aqueous Solutions of 1‐Alkyl‐3‐methylimidazolium Tetrafluoroborate Ionic Liquids, Elucidating Interactions between DMSO and Chelate‐Based Ionic Liquids, Dynamics of Methanol in Ionic Liquids: Validity of the Stokes–Einstein and Stokes–Einstein–Debye Relations, Formation of “Quasi” Contact or Solvent‐separated Ion Pairs in the Local Environment of Probe Molecules Dissolved in Ionic Liquids, Probing molecular interaction in ionic liquids by low frequency spectroscopy: Coulomb energy, hydrogen bonding and dispersion forces, Ionenspezies in Mischungen aus protischen ionischen Flüssigkeiten und Wasser: Übergang von Kontakt‐ zu solvensseparierten Ionenpaaren, Ion Speciation of Protic Ionic Liquids in Water: Transition from Contact to Solvent‐Separated Ion Pairs, Bromide Complexation by the EuIII Lanthanide Cation in Dry and Humid Ionic Liquids: A Molecular Dynamics PMF Study, Insights into Tris‐(2‐Hydroxylethyl)methylammonium Methylsulfate Aqueous Solutions, Ionic Liquids Can Be More Hydrophobic than Chloroform or Benzene, Polymer‐Supported Ionic‐Liquid‐Like Phases (SILLPs): Transferring Ionic Liquid Properties to Polymeric Matrices, Efficient Intramolecular Hydroalkoxylation of Unactivated Alkenols Mediated by Recyclable Lanthanide Triflate Ionic Liquids: Scope and Mechanism, Spectroscopic and Computational Insight into the Intermolecular Interactions between Zwitter‐Type Ionic Liquids and Water Molecules, Probing Intermolecular Interactions in Ionic Liquid–Water Mixtures by Near‐Infrared Spectroscopy, Is bis(trifluoromethylsulfonyl)amide an innocent anion?
It was found that RTILs based on 1-butyl-3-methylimidazolium, namely, [BuMIm]+ [BF4]-, [BuMIm]+ [bis((trifluoromethyl)sulfonyl)amide, or Tf2N]- and [BuMIm]+ [PF6]-, are hydroscopic and can quickly absorb water when they are exposed to air. The decrease in viscosity of the solution is responsible for the decrease in the rotational relaxation time of the probe molecule.In a pilot study of the dielectric constant of room-temperature ionic liquids, we use dielectric spectroscopy in the megahertz/gigahertz regime to determine the complex dielectric function of five 1-alkyl-3-methylimidazolium salts, from which the static dielectric constant epsilon is obtained by zero-frequency extrapolation. ätzend), muss es auch ein Teilchen geben, das für alle diese Eigenschaften verantwortlich ist. The gradual addition of cosolvents decreases the viscosity of the medium and consequently solvation time also decreases.
Our members provide water services to more than 400 million people ! Absorbed water interacts with the anions of the RTILs, and these interactions lead to changes in the structure of water. stream