Sie beschloss dann, Kassandra so einzusetzen, dass der Kult zerstört werden konnte. Sie findet heraus, dass das Orakel tatsächlich eine Marionette für den Kult des Kosmos war, und die Kultisten haben sie benutzt, um den Kriegsfluss zu kontrollieren und was sie der Öffentlichkeit sagt.Auf dem Weg dorthin stellt Barnabas auch Kassandra Herodotos vor, der Perikles, dem demokratischen Führer von Attika, als Berater zur Seite steht.Herodotos kann ihr Informationen über den Kosmos-Kult geben. At the mountain, they find Deimos waiting for them. She also meets Aspasia, who gives her a few other leads to chase.While chasing down these leads, Kassandra learns that her mother had fled Sparta after the events of Mount Taygetos, and that she was told that both her children were dead. Assassin’s Creed Odyssey Story Summary Life as a Misthios As a child, Kassandra was raised to become a strong soldier of Sparta. Unterwegs schlägt Barnabas vor, sich mit dem Orakel von Delphi zu treffen, um zu sehen, was ihre Zukunft bringt. This Assassin’s Creed Odyssey A Treasury Of Legends Guide will help you during your storytelling debut as it guides you through the legend of Perseus and the story you need to tell the children. Währenddessen hört sie Myrinnes Stimme, die ihr sagt, dass ein Sturm kommt. This is the story of a family torn apart by war and prophecy, only to find themselves at the center of another war and prophecy, forcing them to reunite or die trying.

Upon inserting the artifacts, she also meets Aletheia, the Isu AI. Kassandra still feels resentful towards the Oracle for causing the destruction of her family, but she agrees to keep it in consideration.When she meets Elpenor in Phokis, she claims her reward, but quickly finds out that Elpenor is up to no good, and is part of an organization called the Kassandra also meets the Oracle of Delphi, and later goes to her private residence to demand more concrete answers about the Cult and what happened to her family. At this point, the player can choose to either kill Nikolaos, or let him go.Regardless of what you decide, Kassandra will take Nikolaos’ helmet and sail to Phokis to meet Elpenor.

After Markos gets into trouble with a hooligan known as the Cyclops, Kassandra bails him out. Kleon shows up soon after, and he’s revealed to be yet another Cultist. Be sure to check our World of Warcraft Shadowlands’ Animated Series Coming ThursdayCall of Duty: Warzone Season 5 Adds New Content and Games of Summer EventCrusader Kings 3 Trailer & Gameplay Video Focus on War, Intrigue, & Murder AplentyNew Fall Guys Update Fixes Several Issues and Makes Yellow Team Better (Maybe)If you’re here, you’re probably already aware that we’re gonna be spoiling all major plot events in
Überzeugt davon, dass Layla in der Lage sein wird, das Gleichgewicht wiederherzustellen, übergibt sie den Stab, aber nicht bevor sie sie bittet, ihn zu zerstören, nachdem ihre Arbeit erledigt ist. She finds out that the Oracle was actually a puppet for the Cult of Kosmos, and the Cultists have been using her to control the flow of war, and what she says to the public.Along the way, Barnabas also introduces Kassandra to Herodotos, who serves as an advisor to Perikles, the democratic leader of Attika.Herodotos is able to give her information about the Cult of Kosmos.

Deimos looks at her in disbelief, and covers up for her by grabbing another Cultist and claiming that they’re the traitor before killing them viciously.Kassandra manages to escape unscathed, and she resolves to find Myrinne quickly, as the Cult is hunting her. Deimos sieht sie ungläubig an und vertuscht sie, indem er sich einen anderen Kultisten schnappt und behauptet, sie seien der Verräter, bevor er sie bösartig tötet.Kassandra schafft es, unversehrt zu entkommen, und sie beschließt, Myrinne schnell zu finden, während der Kult sie jagt. Abhängig von Ihren Aktionen im Spiel können Sie Deimos entweder davon überzeugen, den Kult zu verlassen, oder ihn im Kampf bekämpfen.Unabhängig davon, was am Ende passiert, wird Kassandra den letzten Hinweis auf den Anführer des Kosmos-Kultes erhalten. Bevor sie geht, verkündet Kassandra, dass sie jeden Sturm überstehen kann.Und das ist so ziemlich die ganze Geschichte, die in Assassins Creed Odyssey zusammengefasst ist. However, when Deimos joined their ranks, the Cult’s vision was skewed, and Aspasia began to lose control of the organization. Soon after, she’s approached by a man named Elpenor, who hires her to kill a Spartan general known as the Wolf.Kassandra accepts the job, and bids farewell to Markos and Phoibe before leaving. Aletheia gratuliert Kassandra zu ihrem bisherigen Erfolg und fordert Pythagoras auf, den Stab an sie weiterzugeben. When all that’s done, they return to Sparta. On the ship, she reveals to Barnabas that the Wolf is actually her father, Nikolaos.Upon arriving at Megaris, Kassandra catches a glimpse of Nikolaos, and is quickly greeted by Stentor, his adopted son. In order to reclaim their old house and citizenship, Kassandra is given two tasks to complete by the two Spartan kings, Archidamos and Pausanias.After winning the Olympics for Sparta, Kassandra moves on to Boeotia to take back that region from the Athenians.

Before long, Barnabas manages to break Kassandra out of prison.