Relation of reward contingency and interpersonal context to intrinsic motivation: A review and test using cognitive evaluation theory.
Second, there is a short 9-item version concerned with the activity of reading some text material; it has three subscales: interest/enjoyment, perceived competence, and pressure/tension. I felt like I was enjoying the activity while I was doing it.13. IMI abbreviation stands for Intrinsic Motivation Inventory. In seiner Langversion beinhaltet das IMI 7 Subskalen (Perceived Competence, Perceived Choice, Interest/Enjoyment, Effort/Importance,
The Intrinsic Motivation Inventory (IMI) was created by Ryan & Deci (2000). What does IMI stand for? Intrinsic motivation and the effects of self-consciousness, self-awareness, and ego-involvement: An investigation of internally-controlling styles.
This approach has been adopted by thousands of scientists worldwide.
I felt like I had no choice but to do this activity.15.
Psychometric properties of the Intrinsic Motivation Inventory in a competitive sport setting: A confirmatory factor analysis. Pressure tension is theorized to be a negative predictor of intrinsic motivation. “The Intrinsic Motivation Inventory (IMI) is a multidimensional measurement device intended to assess participants’ subjective experience related to a target activity in laboratory experiments.” ( (accessed Mai 2016). I believe doing this activity could be somewhat beneficial for me.21. IMI. Control and information in the intrapersonal sphere: An extension of cognitive evaluation theory. Typically‚ loadings substantially exceed these criteria. I thought interacting with this person was very interesting.23.
After working at this task for awhile‚ I felt pretty competent.For each of the following statements‚ please indicate how true it is for your‚ using the following scale as a guide:1. While I was doing this activity‚ I was thinking about how much I enjoyed it.4. Nonetheless, shorter versions have been used and have been found to be quite reliable. The instrument assesses participants interest/enjoyment‚ perceived competence‚ effort‚ value/usefulness‚ felt pressure and tension‚ and perceived choice while performing a given activity‚ thus yielding six subscale scores. McAuley, E., Duncan, T., & Tammen, V. V. (1989). (R)I don't feel like I could really trust this person. I would describe this activity as very enjoyable.19.
While I was interacting with this person‚ I was thinking about how much I enjoyed it.3. In fact, we concluded that to be confident in one’s assessment of intrinsic motivation, one needs to find that the free-choice behavior and the self-reports of interest/enjoyment are significantly correlated.Another issue is that of redundancy. I felt tense while interacting with this person.12.
Ryan, R. M., Mims, V., & Koestner, R. (1983). I think I understood this material very well‚ compared to other students.The next version of the questionnaire was used for a study of internalization with an uninteresting computer task (Deci et al.‚ 1994).The following items concern your experience with the task. I think I did pretty well at this activity‚ compared to other students.11.
The instrument assesses participants’ interest/enjoyment, perceived competence, effort, value/usefulness, felt pressure and tension, and perceived choice while performing a given activity, thus yielding six subscale scores.
I think it's likely that this person and I could become friends.25. )For each of the following statements‚ please indicate how true it is for you‚ using the following scale:I would describe this activity as very interesting.While I was doing this activity‚ I was thinking about how much I enjoyed it.I think I did pretty well at this activity‚ compared to other students.After working at this activity for awhile‚ I felt pretty competent.I didnt try very hard to do well at this activity.
I thought this was a very interesting activity.16.
I enjoyed interacting with this person very much.9. What is the abbreviation for Intrinsic Motivation Inventory?
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Egoinvolvements‚ self-presentation styles‚ reactance‚ and other psychological dynamics must be considered. I felt like I had to interact with this person.27. I felt like I was doing what I wanted to do while I was interacting with this person.20. Facilitating internalization: The selfdetermination theory perspective. I put some effort into interacting with this person.سایت روان سنجی : این ازمون و آزمونهای این بخش از منبع زیر اخذ شده است :سخت ترین کار دنیا محکوم کردن یک احمق است : وینستون چرچیل I felt like it was not my own choice to do this activity.25.
Viele übersetzte Beispielsätze mit "intrinsic motivation" – Deutsch-Englisch Wörterbuch und Suchmaschine für Millionen von Deutsch-Übersetzungen. As one can readily tell‚ there is nothing subtle about these items; they are quite face-valid. (R)I believe I had some choice about doing this activity.I felt like it was not my own choice to do this task. In fact‚ we concluded that to be confident in ones assessment of intrinsic motivation‚ one needs to find that the free-choice behavior and the self-reports of interest/enjoyment are significantly correlated.Another issue is that of redundancy.