Ein höllischer OrtUncharted 4: Komplettlösung - 3. EPIC GamesClips 882,545 views.

No part of this site or its content may be reproduced without the permission of the copyright holder. You can go there via encounter select.When one of your friends punches an enemy you must attack that same enemy. Now repeat the steps for the trophy and it should unlock fine.Cutscenes add to your total play time and you must skip them. You can select 21 of the weapons in the bonus menu after beating the story.

Find every treasure and collectible journal entry, journal note, and optional conversation in every chapter Shoot all 4 with the toy gun to unlock the trophy.After ringing the bell at the top of the tower in Chapter 11 you will come to a puzzle room. There are 30 weapons total, but 2 of them are story-related (a toy gun and a sword). Then you will see an animation where both of you knock out the enemy together. There are infinite enemies spawning. It's important to note that the China Lake Grenade Launcher can only be selected during certain encounters. Then shoot the enemies in the head. It also features another boss fight, this one different from the first one on Stage 2.Stage 5 is pretty easy to beat.

Your kills from story mode and encounter select count together. Activate the switch to get a water bucket.

The enemies aren't far away.

Nathan und Sam Drake sind auf dem Weg zu einer mysteriösen Insel, doch werden von …

Das Grab von Henry AveryUncharted 4: Komplettlösung - 11. For others this wasn't necessary. Now shoot the enemies and you should get this easily. Get the best of USG in your inbox by subscribing to our newsletters.
Uncharted 4 Walkthrough.

Luckily there are no modifiers aside from a time limit and enemies dropping El Dorados in the Siege wave, but the boss battles are tough. First, we’re focusing on helping you solve the puzzles and find the clues that gave us trouble during our own play through. The modifiers Speedy G and Prizefighter will both be handy here.This is the hardest stage to get 3 stars on after all the latest updates to the game. Aus diesem Grund wenden wir uns jetzt an euch. Keep repeating this until the trophy pops.When you quit the encounter your progress towards this trophy will be lost. Use Melee kills on the enemies on the ground and gunfire on the ones on the ruins. Der Schwierigkeitsgrad: Wir empfehlen euch, Uncharted 4 zunächst auf dem Standardschwierigkeitsgrad durchzuspielen.

Reinstalling the game fixes this! Nice and easy. Restart the checkpoint after destroying three to five boats and repeat.For this trophy you must kill an enemy with every weapon.

Once the wave ends, you can run forward and grab ammo as needed.Wave 5 is the Siege, which is located to the left of your position, on the hill. Put your controller down and don't do anything for 30 seconds. Always kill one enemy with gunfire, then one with melee attacks and repeat. Here’s what you need to know about Predator Hunting Grounds. You can do this over the course of your 5 multiplayer matches.When your allies go down you can revive them by pressing There are 3 Strange Relics you must find for this. Damit ihr die Kapitel des großen Finales meistert, haben wir euch hier eine Übersicht mit allen Kapiteln zusammengetragen. DShK (Machine Gun that is used by heavily armored enemies, some of them have it in chapter 20, encounter "Ship Graveyard").29. It features two Sieges, the 2nd of which has a time limit and enemies drop Indras on the ground (slow you down).

Without infinite ammo this will be very hard to do because the grenade launcher comes with only 3 shots.
Every time he gets hit with any explosive, he goes into a vulnerable state where you can hurt him for a couple seconds. [Quelle: PC Games] A guide to Kyrpt unlocks, as well as character combos and fatalities in Mortal Kombat X. This is mainly due to Waves 42 and 43. If you quit out to the main menu your progress will be lost.This should only take ~5 checkpoint restarts as you can get multiple headshots on each run.Simply run up to enemies (preferably on Explorer difficulty) and press Select the Ruins encounter from the main menu (Chapter 8). Drive in the direction Sam is looking at.At the very start of Chapter 4 you will pick up a toy gun. I was able to complete mine in 6 moves because I got a lucky starting combination, but yours will likely be different.The final picture has to look like this: White cross on left, big cross in the middle, black cross on the right, water bucket in middle of top wheel.Just try around and restart the checkpoint when you know the solution for your puzzle.There are 36 Optional Conversations. Go across the beam in the middle and you'll be able to climb the back of the wall all the way to the top. For the entries, you must inspect certain objects in the game world.

Near those rocks is a dolphin (to the left of the rocks when you come from tower island).Basically, you just need to drive in a straight line and should get all 3. You need 10 kills total (5 gunfire, 5 melee). IGN Walkthroughs 312,405 views. Every single wave has at least one modifier, and all of them aside from the Siege have a time limit.

Um zu entkommen, müsst ihr euch an der Nonne vorbeischleichen. You will start out with an AK-47, a pistol and a grenade. If we happen to find clues that will help with a future puzzle, we’ll tell you where we got them. Each wave has a modifier except for Wave 34. Alternatively, you can farm at the start of the prologue by ramming small boats.