The good old fashioned TNT explosions are not going away anytime soon. You find a large variety of godly TNT which has many cool abilities. You find a large variety of godly TNT which has many cool abilities. TNTs such as the houses don’t get a dynamite. Not only you have the TNT’s that increase the power of the explosion, but you also have TNT’s that have fascinating abilities that will spice up the gameplay and let your imagination fly with the number of scenarios that you can create in the world of Minecraft.The Too Much TNT Mod adds exploding blocks that not only increase the size of the explosion that the standard TNT block provides, but there are also blocks that go from x100 TNT to x500 TNT.There are exploding TNT blocks that can drill holes like the Drilling TNT; there is the Mining flat TNT which will flat-out the mining floor, there is the Animal TNT which will leave animals upon explosion.

There is the Floating island TNT; you also have the Nuclear TNT that not only goes a big blast but drops nuclear waste as well which causes damage and poison and many more!This mod is as fun as useful, you may feel like mining but would like to be more efficient and less time consuming, it’s as easy as setting up a Drilling TNT followed by a couple of Mining flat TNT’s and you are all set. Take for example the 100x TNT that is exactly that.Sulfur Ore: As rare as gold, this will help get gunpowder for survival. It adds in tons of new godly explosives. This mod adds a ton of new blocks of TNT and throwable dynamite. This is a folder where you can find: Mankinds Mark: this TNT is very crazy. It is perfect if you want to bomb larger areas! Blow things up in a big way, flatten the land, even build houses.

Too Much TNT Mod is for the more destructive among you!

Too Much TNT Mod 1.8/1.7.10 adds new types of TNTs, gunpowder and uranium ore to the Minecraft (All TNT’s are in redstone creative tab). With a real range of new bombs of all kinds, the mod adds to the game more than 27 new blocks of TNT. Found at yCustomTNT: You can now create your own TNT by editing the options in TooMuchTNT.cfg (config).Most TNTs get a weaker throwable version. Too Much TNT mod for Minecraft is extremely useful for mining, building and protection from mobs and enemies. It is perfect if you want to bomb larger areas! A few of these explosives are fully large and may destroy vast areas in your world. There are a lot of explosives in this mod that has very interesting effects. Others are very distinctive and may dig up mines and even construct homes! In it you will find more than 20 different bombs and each with its own bombing effect. Right click to throw it. As if Minecraft wasn’t fun enough, now you can unleash your inner Michael Bay and have so many and different explosions with the As the name implies, the Too Much TNT Mod adds to your explosive inventory a ton of new TNT blocks and throwable dynamite. The kinds of TNT that the mod will add have some particular makes use of quite than just a few boring blocks like the unique TNT. Drops 5 gunpowder when mined.Uranium Ore: A rare ore which has 50% to drop uranium or 50% to explode. In it you will find more than 20 different bombs and each with its own bombing effect. Some of the bombs you can find here are: Too much TNT. Every block deals a different type of damage, … Too Much TNT adds about 50+ variants of default TNT block in Vanilla Minecraft. Too Much TNT is the ultimate TNT mod.

If you blow it up it actually makes a house. You can cause giant explosions, shoot down meteors, build houses and more.This mod adds a ton of new blocks of TNT and throwable dynamite. Blowing up stuff in video games is always fun, whether it be a Red Barrel or a group of Zombies. Perfect to … You can cause giant explosions, shoot down meteors, build houses and more.