PC It’s a far better fit for the game than a more conventional, linear narrative, and grounds the game in real communities.Although their research didn’t turn up any people that truly practice all of these different driving, boating, and flying disciplines, they (and we) were pleasantly surprised to learn that they are not as siloed as you might think. The cars all feel vaguely the same, and the physics are cartoonishly bouncy, like your chassis is made of hard rubber. “None of them were doing one thing. Please deactivate your ad blocker in order to see our subscription offerIf it’s set in space, Andy will probably write about it. Juni 2018 für PC, PS4 und Xbox One. Join them in high-octane contests and share every glorious moment with the world. Enjoy unrestrained exploration on ground, sea, and sky. With Ubisoft-owned studio Ivory Tower formed in 2007 to develop “The team was really proud of having created that huge open world that you can wander around in any way that you want,” Narrative Director Julien Charpentier told Digital Trends, “but we also take feedback to heart… Those were the two things that we started with: That the game The game does look lovely this time around, as improved weather and lighting effects make exploration a treat. So every failed stunt, crash, and spin-out actually counted against you, and you were constantly at war with yourself to maintain your following. The story fits the game perfectly, and we like how it grounds the game in a real-world community.For instance, there’s tension in the street racing community because your mentor wants the sport to go legit, while your rival gets off on the illicit rush of its illegality. На данный момент, игра прекрасна, кроме графики конечно, тут я не спорю. Mixed or average reviews Кому то нравится, кому то нет. Here the game’s immense scale, arcade handling, and palpable sense of speed coalesce into something genuinely thrilling—especially if you have a couple of friends driving alongside you. Official Website. In unserem Testvideo überprüfen wir, ob hinter den theoretischen Stärken von The Crew auch wirklich ein klasse Spiel steckt. The Crew 2 could be something special, but Ubisoft doesn’t seem to know what to do with it. Но даже сам гринд мне не надоедает. Enjoy unrestrained exploration on ground, sea, and sky. Welcome to Motornation, a huge, varied, action-packed playground built for motorsports throughout the entire US of A. Beide haben die gleiche Schatten- und Texturqualität, auch Sichtweite und Detailgrad sind identisch. The first one. You will receive a verification email shortly.There was a problem. Neue, wöchentliche Serie auf GameStar.de und GamePro.deZu Land, zu Wasser und in der Luft. Still fun, but needs some more clean up before I'd give it a better score.I played The Crew 1 and found it okay but they could have made more of it. You can spend an entire afternoon just enjoying the cars and driving without a specific purpose, while taking in some of the marvelous views, and it feels really good. Wenn ihr nicht nur schauen und hören, sondern auch nachlesen wollt, was wir von de Ubisofts Arcade-Racer halten, könnt ihr euch unsere ausführliche Review durchlesen: Unser GameStar-Test von The Crew 2: Das Spiel der ungenutzten MöglichkeitenThe Crew 2 schickt uns erneut in die virtuellen USA, diesmal allerdings nicht nur zu Land, sondern auch zu Wasser und in der Luft. The updates lately have made it a lot better, but I still liked the original better. TV Down in the Weeds, Where the World Once Was Find details on 40 of the most-anticipated PC games scheduled for release in 2018.
Zumindest hatte die Xbox One X bereits Verbesserungen gegenüber der PS4 Pro, was darauf hindeutet, dass einige Enhancements schon im Spiel implementiert worden sind. 250 GB Samsung 850 Evo SSD