Never afraid to speak his mind, he was Overwatch's most vocal supporter and, when necessary, its harshest critic, providing a constant reminder that Overwatch was meant to be a force for good.During or after the Omnic Crisis, Reinhardt took part in As Torbjörn recovered in hospital, Reinhardt spent a great deal of his time at Torbjörn's bedside. Buy Overwatch Reinhardt shirts, collectibles and figurines online at Blizzard store! While largely defense-oriented, Reinhardt can be a deadly offensive threat as well thanks to the high damage of his Rocket Hammer and ability to crush enemies against a wall with Charge. Cheerfully insistent on fighting his way back with Balderich it wasn't until his master removed his helmet and insisted that he was staying did Reinhardt notice the gravity of Balderich's wound. But it can work in your favor as well. Overwatch Wiki is a Fandom Gaming Community. Reinhardts einzigartige ethische Standhaftigkeit sowie seine einnehmende Persönlichkeit riefen bei seinen Kollegen und Vorgesetzten stets Bewunderung hervor.
'200 IQ' Reinhardt Play Posted to the Overwatch SubredditShow full articles without "Continue Reading" button for {0} hours. Learn Reinhardt's stats at Overwatch Guide. '200 IQ' Reinhardt Play Posted to the Overwatch Subreddit After hundreds if not thousands of hours playing Overwatch, it's hard to surprise anyone anymore.
The fact that the Bastion decided to hunker down in that exact spot, Reinhardt was able to perfectly drift his charge around the corner snagging the grab. เข้ามาๆ เหล่าเด็กน้อยทั้งหลาย ข้าจะเล่าเรื่องราวต่างๆ ของข้าให้พวกเจ้าฟังหลังจากที่เพิ่งปรากฏข่าว OVERWATCH เผยรายละเอียด Close Beta ที่จะมาช่วงเดือนกุมภาพันธ์ HardwareData จึงนำข้อมูลของ Hero ทุกตัว (โดยเราจะนำมาให้รับชมวันละ 1 Hero หรือมากกว่า) มาให้ผู้อ่านได้…หลังจากที่เพิ่งปรากฏข่าว OVERWATCH เผยรายละเอียด Close Beta ที่จะมาช่วงเดือนกุมภาพันธ์ HardwareData จึงนำข้อมูลของ Hero ทุกตัว (โดยเราจะนำมาให้รับชมวันละ 1 Hero หรือมากกว่า) มาให้ผู้อ่านได้…หลังจากที่เพิ่งปรากฏข่าว OVERWATCH เผยรายละเอียด Close Beta ที่จะมาช่วงเดือนกุมภาพันธ์ HardwareData จึงนำข้อมูลของ Hero ทุกตัว (โดยเราจะนำมาให้รับชมวันละ 1 Hero หรือมากกว่า) มาให้ผู้อ่านได้…Facebook is showing information to help you better understand the purpose of a Page. Unable to simply leave Balderich to die Reinhardt still refused. Brigitte, remembering the story of his forced retirement by Overwatch, was apprehensive at the idea. The price he pays for all of this is that he is almost solely restricted to fighting at short range, having only a single, infrequent ranged attack.
Charge! OverWatch(オーバーウォッチ)のラインハルトの攻略情報やプロフィールを紹介。メインウェポンやアビリティ、使い方の紹介、相性や対策などを掲載しています。OverWatch(オーバーウォッチ)のラインハルトを立ち回りの参考にしてみてく … So legte er erneut seine mächtige Crusader-Rüstung an und schwor, in ganz Europa für die Gerechtigkeit einzutreten – getreu den alten Ritteridealen – indem er die Unschuldigen beschützt und die Herzen und Köpfe der Menschen mit dem Versprechen gewinnt, dass eine bessere Welt möglich ist.
Staring at Balderich's worn acceptance medal, Reinhardt reflected on the events of his master's death. The Swede would not forget the incident, and related the unfairness of it all to at least Brigitte.Despondent about being removed from active duty, Reinhardt feared that his days of purpose and glory had ended. Reinhardt Wilhelm gibt sich wie ein Recke aus alten Zeiten, der nach den ritterlichen Idealen der Ehre, Tapferkeit und Gerechtigkeit handelt. Facebook is showing information to help you better understand the purpose of a Page. Torbjörn, only four years younger than him, was particularly incensed that the organization simply "pushed Reinhardt out" after giving everything of himself in years of service. Enjoy Fast Flat-Rate Shipping On Any Size Order. Reinhardt is the sturdiest of the Tanks, boasting high base Health and a massive barrier that allows him to protect his team from harm. Overwatch Reinhardt. Reinhardt ist ein Held im Spiel Overwatch und vertritt die Rolle eines Tanks. Distraught, Reinhardt tried to reason with Balderich only for him to remind Reinhardt of his Crusader's oath and demanded that he keep it as he extended his hand. Reinhardt Wilhelm styles himself as a champion of a bygone age, who lives by the knightly codes of valor, justice, and courage.Young and reckless, Reinhardt disobeyed orders to stay with his unit in favor of charging headlong into battle on his own determined to destroy as many omnics as he could in the name of glory.