Da Harley allerdings die selbst ernannte Freundin des Joker ist und dieser Harley, wo es nur geht, ausnutzt, versucht Ivy vergeblich ihre Freundin vor Joker zu beschützen. So wurde Isleys Interesse für Nach der Schule nahm Ivy das Studium der Botanik bei dem Wissenschaftler Dr. Jason Woodrue auf. DC Comics began the next relaunch of its entire line of titles, called Ivy calls herself an "ecoterrorist of global importance" and has demonstrated philanthropic contributions to conservation efforts. Wenn Ivy beabsichtigt, ihre Gifte an andere Menschen zu übertragen, so erfolgt dies zumeist durch genitalen oder oralen (Küssen) Körperkontakt. Außerdem war Ivy seit dem Experiment die Fähigkeit zu eigen, Pheromone absondern zu können, mit deren Hilfe sie Menschen beiderlei Geschlechts auch entgegen deren Willen unter ihre Kontrolle bringen und dazu veranlassen kann, zu tun was sie wünscht. But Ivy has also proven herself compassionate time and time again, especially toward other women who have been victimized.

Zu Catwoman hat Ivy ein kompliziertes Verhältnis: Anfangs war Ivy häufige Gegner von Selina. Poison Ivy was created by Robert Kanigher and Sheldon Moldoff, and made her debut in Batman #181 (June 1966).
Returning to the apartment, Ivy locks Rose, Hazel and Thorn away so they will not leave again. Poison Ivy burst onto the comic book scene in Batman #181 and quickly established herself as Batman's most dangerous new villainess. He agrees to help clear their names, and during the discussion Ivy reveals that she has recently taken up a job at the Gotham division of When Harley Quinn betrays her friends and breaks into Arkham Asylum with the goal of killing the Joker, she ultimately chooses instead to release Joker from his cell, and together the two orchestrate a violent takeover of the facility.Ivy survives the injuries and returns to Gotham, breaking out In January 2016, DC Comics debuted Ivy's first solo comic book series, With the help of Selina Kyle and fellow researcher Darshan, Poison Ivy finds that the Gotham Botanical Gardens are performing experiments, using Ivy's research, which result in the creation of another plant-human hybrid child known as Thorn. Thurmans Porträtierung von Poison Ivy stieß sowohl bei den Filmkritikern als auch bei der Mehrheit der Batman-Fans auf ein überwiegend negatives Echo: Man kritisierte ihre überzogen klischeei… The thing I love most about Poison Ivy is her walking that line between bastion of Mother Nature and psycho She begins her criminal career by threatening to release her suffocating spores into the air unless the city meets her demands. In volume three of Some versions of the character depict her as more plant than human, such as breathing Beyond her metahuman traits, Ivy is shown to be exceptionally physically fit both due to gymnastics and her enhanced health; being both similar to Harley Quinn in skill as well as showing enough hand-to-hand combat prowess to challenge Batman without relying solely on her powers. Now, with his cancer returning, he intends to harvest Rose, Thorn, and Hazel for spores to be used as another cure. Batman, who appears in Gotham that very same year, thwarts her scheme, and she is incarcerated in In subsequent issues, she states that she only started a life of crime to attain sufficient funds to find a location to be alone with her plants, undisturbed by humanity. "Union" Dini, Paul (w), Guillem March (p), Guillem March (i). Optisch wird Ivy meist als eine mit allen Vorzügen weiblicher Attraktivität ausgestattete, verführerische junge Frau dargestellt. During the "No Man's Land" arc, Batman comes to her rescue while she is held captive by Clayface, with Ivy remarking that she knew he would.The relationship even briefly deviated from the Batman/Ivy relationship into a Bruce/Pamela one when, in the comic series In June 2015, Poison Ivy was revealed to be romantically involved with Harley Quinn by Ivy appears as one of the mutated Arkham inmates in the Poison Ivy has a minor appearance in the 2017 series Poison Ivy appears as a supporting character in the 2019 graphic novel Poison Ivy has appeared in most of the Batman video games over the years. Weitere Fähigkeiten, die sie seither besitzt, sind eine Immunität gegen die allermeisten Gifte in nahezu jeder Kontaktform (Atemwegsaufnahme, orale Einnahme, Hautkontakt usw. In einer Folge der Zeichentrickserie