They even cropped out the framed photo of dead Epstein in the back.

what a joke.

Paid for by The Lincoln Project. They just don’t like that Trump says the quiet parts loud. But while the... (This content is not subject to review by Daily Kos staff prior to publication.) The National Rifle Association (NRA) has long been hemorrhaging money. Please flush after November 3rd! THE LINCOLN PROJECT RELEASES NEW VIDEO: “DISTRACTED” POTUS WASN’T DISTRACTED, HE JUST DIDN’T CARE. Anecdotally, I can tell you that in the last 24 hours, I have spent over 10 hours attempting to have an elderly relative tested for COVID19 in Polk County, Florida, to no avail.

Today the Lincoln Project released its first digital video, “MAGA Church” highlighting the hypocrisy of those who claim the mantle of Jesus while supporting or ignoring President Donald Trump’s immoral acts. The Lincoln Project/YouTube UPDATE: A representative from Meme 2020 told Mediaite that it has nothing to do with the Lincoln Projects tweets.

The Lincoln Project is working to defeat Donald Trump and Trumpism in November.

As the longtime director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases and a trusted public health expert, Dr.... shamelessly ripping other people’s tweets with no credit.

Not authorized by any candidate or candidate’s committee. In 2018, President Trump shut down the National Security Council’s Global Health Security Unit, a team of officials responsible for global health, biodefense, and health security issues.The Lincoln Project is working to defeat Donald Trump and those candidates and officials who have abandoned their constitutional oaths, regardless of party.600 Pennsylvania Ave SE #15180, Washington, DC 20003 As an advisor to the President, Ivanka has direct access to foreign leaders and has used her position in the most corrupt manner imaginable,” said Jennifer Horn, co-founder of The Lincoln Project.“The President is a double-dealing, narcissist so it should come as no surprise that his children would follow suit.

As patriotic Americans, we have to hold Trump and his administration accountable.The coronavirus surfaced in China late last year. Americans can no longer remain silent.”Since the COVID19 pandemic surfaced, Trump and his administration have repeatedly mishandled the issue.

Lincoln Project put this video out today, first Biden/Harris Ad. Sign the petition: Dr. Fauci is saving lives. I made this image and the Iraqi child-killing neocons at The Lincoln Project stole it. LMAOOOOO not surprised these guys were too coward to use WAP lol.Other examples of stolen content also quickly came to light.I fuckin made this video you fucks take that text off there I never get mad at people stealing my shit on the internet bc I’ve been on here long enough to know it’s inevitable but I fucking hate the Project Lincoln republican shit-swamp lmaothe lincoln project is such a laughable grift.

This content was created by a Daily Kos Community member. WASHINGTON, DC US, April 9, 2020 – Today, The Lincoln Project released a digital video, “Distracted,” depicting the Trump administration’s denial of any wrongdoing surrounding the slow response to the COVID-19 pandemic. The Lincoln Project is not your friend. President Trump’s failed coronavirus response is costing lives.WASHINGTON, DC US, March 17, 2020 - Today, The Lincoln Project released a new digital video entitled, “Unfit,” focusing on President Trump’s dangerous, incompetent response to the novel coronavirus outbreak.“The coronavirus crisis has revealed, once again, that Donald Trump is dangerously unfit for office,” said Jennifer Horn, cofounder of The Lincoln Project. The coronavirus relief bill passed by Congress allows most Americans to receive a one-time payment of $1,200. Love it’s tone.Biben x YouTube Video Love it’s tone.Biben

Sign the petition: Stop banks and other lenders from seizing your stimulus checks Cowards. From Russia to China it’s no longer ‘Make America Great Again,’ but make the Trump family rich again.”Since taking the White House Trump’s family has put their own greedy interests over the welfare of the country. Daily Kos moves in solidarity with the Black community. WASHINGTON, DC US, March 17, 2020 - Today, The Lincoln Project released a new digital video entitled, “Unfit,” focusing on President Trump’s dangerous, incompetent response to the novel coronavirus outbreak. Trump’s unbridled ignorance, narcissism and gross incompetence have put our nation — and my own family member — at great risk. Trump must not fire him. Many current and former American service members feel betrayed by Donald J. Trump. Sign the petition: Revoke the NRA’s tax-exempt status It has since spread to more than 4,500 Americans, killing more than 7,100 people worldwide, and the situation has been declared a global health emergency. The latest anti-Trump ad from "The Lincoln Project" comes from John Orloff, one of the writers of HBO's "Band of Brothers."

Rick Wilson, co-founder of The Lincoln Project, joined "Red & Blue" to discuss his group's new ads against President Trump and whether Republicans will take a stand against him in November.