JayIsGames.com is a leading Flash and Online game review site. The TV listings in the TV room has it the program circled at its correct Friday night time slot. Submit a Game: Don't just read reviews or play games on JayIsGames.com, submit them! Still, pretty eerie, huh?

There is a note on the table at the end that shows another secret passage, in the foyer. This is either an incredible coincidence, or Steve Gaynor planned this out, proving that we are all just mere pawns in his larger game... (as it turns out, it is indeed a complete coincidence. Which I'm sure led to a great phone conversation.The refrigerator in the kitchen is a Forbisher brand. Head back downstairs, follow the western hallway to find the door leading to it.Gone Home is a conceptual simulation game about exploring a modern, residential locale, and discovering the story of what happened there by investigating a deeply interactive gameworld.Sexual Themes, Drug Reference, Strong Language, Drug Reference, Sexual Themes, Strong Language

For the record, the episode shown on February 10th, 1995 would be the sixteenth episode of second season, "Colony" which deals with the reappearance of a woman claiming to be Mulder's sister... Samantha. Cardinal directions will be given based on the in-game map.Start by opening the cabinet on the west side of the porch. Since 2003, we review every day only the best, including casual games, flash games, arcade games, indie games, download games, shooting games, escape games, RPG games, puzzle games, mobile games and much more.

So if you wanted..." - Sam's Journal - "Best Laid Plans"Crumpled Paper - (Inside Trash Can By Door to BasementBackpack Note - Sam's Journal - "First Day of School"Crumpled Pages - (On floor to left of writing desk)Note from Oscar - (Inside left drawer of typewriter desk, beneath false bottom)Terrence Greenbriar Stationery - (Inside Right drawer of typewriter desk)Copy of I Ching on Bookcase - Looks like it's been read a bit.

Still, pretty eerie, huh?

It will be added to your map, and you will now be able to move the panels that open this passage.Inside the secret passage you will find a map revealing three hidden compartments in the house: one in the library, one in the upstairs hall, and one in the west hallway leading off from the foyer. From this point you can unlock the door that leads to the foyer for easier navigation.Once you have navigated to the greenhouse on the far west side of the house, you will find a note on a table at the north side of the room. The combination to the safe can be found by going up the secret passage staircase leading from the basement junk room. The TV listings in the TV room has it the program circled at its correct Friday night time slot. Keep going, until you find a staircase going back up to the first floor. In the sewing room on the north side of the second floor is a folder sitting on the table.

Y'know. Shipping Invoice - Foyer"First Day of School" - Note Attached to Backpack - West Wing Hallway Closet"Big Gold Star" - Making Friends When You're Shy Book - TV Room "Default Friends" - Letter From Mary Schute (Inside Coat) - Music Room Closet"Best Laid Plans" - Sam and Lonnie Note (Bottom Drawer of Chest of Drawer) - West Wing Hall Closet"Hanging Out with Girls" - Bratmobile Tape Case (In Cabinet) - Second Floor Hallway"Dealing with Roots" - Red Hair Dye - Upstairs Bathroom"Lie-to-Mom-and-Dad Situation" - Halloween Show Note (In Dresser Drawer) - Sitting Room "Adjusting to the Dark" - Miss-fits Flier - Library Secret Compartment"There Was Nothing Wrong" - Picture of Lonnie - In Sam's Locker in Sam's Room"It's Different Now" - S+L Drawing (On Table by Covered Couch) - Basement - First Room"Ship Date" - Letter from Reed College (Resting on Box) - Basement - Second Room"I Can Sing" - Set List (Hanging on Wall) - Basement Servant Quarters"Stick with the Group" - Postcard from Lonnie (On Table By Lantern) - Basement Junk Room"The Nunnery" - TV Listing (Under Folder on Table By Couch) - East Wing Hallway"Getting Lonnie" - Response from School - Secret Room "A Very Long Phase" - Letter from Dad (Inside Folder) - Dining Room"Dedication" - Girlscout Show Flier - East Wing Hallway Secret Compartment"The Last Night - Map Showing Room Under Stairs - Greenhouse"In the Attic" - Attic Key - Secret Room Under Stairs"Mitten Journal" - If you look closely in the rafters of the garage, you will see a purple ball.

Or maybe Dad's just a Ray Bradbury fan.This is not the only game in which dragging a basketball around and making a free throw unlocks an Easter Egg. Opening the locker requires finding the three secret panels around the house. The end result is a constant cycle of intrigue drawing you deeper and deeper into the game. Kind of odd though that the listings are from February 10th, 1995. Finding the collected letters to Katie in the attic will end the game.Note: There are literally hundreds of found letters, notes, and miscellany that contribute to fleshing out the story. The combination to the safe is 1963.The east wing of the first floor is initially not accessible. They will be marked on your map and you can now access them.In Sam's Room, there is a locked locker. You can find the key inside the locker in Sam's room once you have unlocked it. The combination to the safe can be found by going up the secret passage staircase leading from the basement junk room. Enjoy!I just found another item in the basement second room - Book titled "A Course in Practical Pharmacy" from 1943, belonging to the late Uncle Oscar. In the sewing room on the north side of the second floor is a folder sitting on the table. Then up another floor to a lever that will open a secret panel in Kate's room. I believe this is a reference to the anime, Full Metal Alchemist. Follow the hallway until there is a dead end. In this first part of the walkthrough, we will give a basic guide to progressing through each room of the house. Working with the premise of "if you were there, what could/would you do?