(Egyptian) - The great scribe and librarian Goddess who was responsible for accounting, architecture, astronomy, historical records and mathematics. To this day, fascinates millions if not billions and Egyptian pyramids are visited by large numbers of tourists whereas neighboring Sudan’s Meroe pyramids are not as well known. (Greek) - Goddess of the rainbow and messenger to the Gods. "Now, precious ones, if you will charge your hands, your feet, your voice, your consciousness, your mind and your feeling with the Mighty Healing Power of the Music of the Spheres, It could flood through you all night long; if you would LET It; if you would make the call! …"Thus did the revered oracle come to an end, and the unvanquished deity withdrew into her own being.While these amusing delights of the people were appearing all over the place, the procession proper of the Saviour Goddess was on its way … Then came the charming music of many instruments, and the sound of pipe and flute in the sweetest melodies. in Northumberland. I AM trying so intensely to get your temples to the place where you can be as beautiful, young and joyful as you should be. Then, copy and paste the text into your bibliography or works cited list. Music played a central role in the life of ancient Egyptians and the goddess, or the idealization, of music was Hathor. Musical DeitiesHathor and Ihy.The Egyptians associated the deities Hathor, her son Ihy, Bes, Isis, and Osiris with music. Her name itself means Goddess. the material re… Harmony She was also an ancient fertility Goddess.

When the Musical Beings who govern the Activities of whole Systems of Worlds, pour Their Mighty Love out upon creation, there is produced Music of most transcendent Loveliness; such Beauty, such Joy, such Ecstasy in the feelings, as would make you weep with Gratitude. Mirth, or amusement, s certainly a reason why we listen to music.Some societies do equate music with fertility and do celebrate music when celebrating power of healing (Hathor is celebrated alongside Horus.) She was one of the ancient Egypt’s most popular goddesses. (Greek) - A very competitive warrior Goddess, adventurous and amazing runner who could not be beaten by a man. She prevented the creation from reverting to chaos and judged the deeds of the dead with her feather. …"I am here taking pity on your ills; I am here to give aide and solace. Tuatha de Danaan.

. " "Music, as you know, is harmoniously qualified energy; and when your heart really expands Its Flame through Music, the Love of Life is in action through you; and that Love of Life, in Its process of expanding Its Blessings to Life in the Universe around It, produces through Music, the Mighty Release of Its Powers to bless.

There are several variations of the spellings of this Goddess name including: Freyja, Freyr and Freyja.

Do we equate music with beauty? (Greek) – Hebe’s name literally means youth or in the prime of life. She was one of the ancient Egypt’s most popular goddesses. death, wisdom, seasonal rites and weather magic. Attribute: Double flute. In the temple of Philae in southern Egypt, relief sculptures of Bes depict him playing the harp, playing the frame drum, and dancing in honor of Hathor. (Greek) – Selene was the Titan personification of the moon, unsurprising then that her name means moon in Greek.

Her name reflects her nurturing personality as it means “earth mother” in Greek. . Ihy, the ancient Egyptian god of music, played a minor role in Egyptian mythology. Her name means she who renews and has several alternative spellings including Indun, Iduna and Idhunna. Goddess.