You have a combo chest here, and another pair of health/mana chests coming up, so don’t worry too much about preserving your mana or anything; use magic to aid you in the fight. The basic effects are the same; you can use it to cause petrification of almost any enemy that you come across. There are petrifying beams that cover the hallway you need to move along, so don't jump. Begin by jumping up and opening the door here. After the cutscene with the soldier, start tapping buttons to call out to the gods. The soldiers will attack as you run around after the imps, but they can be knocked out by using the Spear of Destiny. The hardest button-hitting minigame you’ve seen yet will begin after this. After jumping to the chain here and dropping to the ground, read the door; you have to make an offer to the Fates, a sacrifice of fire, before they’ll allow you to move through. He’ll still attack you with shield bashes and sling attacks, but he won’t be able to do much damage to you. Enough skeletons will appear here to jam the gears a few times, and they will also attack you, which takes you off of the chain, so you’ll need to reserve some mana for when you hit the bottom. Get close enough to force it to whirl around and note the range of its fists during this attack. Head inside, grab the red orb chest, then climb the chain to find a save point. Begin by moving to the right of the chain that you climbed up from. This is going to be the quickest phase of the fight, since Euryale won't have many attacks to send your way. The upper reaches will lead you back up to the hub balcony, but if you want some more red orbs, check the lowest, broken section of the staircase first to find a chest. When you reach the temple, head right and save your game. You can, of course, hit her with your weapons; this is easiest to do just after you knock her over and she’s struggling to get back up. At this point, your tactics will depend on your remaining life. There’s something funky on the other side of that steam...take aim with your Typhon’s Bane at the wall and hit it a few times with your arrows. In addition, he can occasionally blind you by holding his shield up to the sun. You’ll come out to a large open area featuring two locked doors, a switch, a pressure plate, a ladder, a large horn, and a jump that’s currently blocked by fire. Now that the shield is down, you can walk back towards the Island that you were on before; this time, however, you’ll be in a different section of it. All of the threads are connected to dead bodies, which you can bring up to the platform if you like; each of them will drop plenty of health when Clotho eventually explodes it. Swing around until you reach another handhold, then double-jump backwards from it onto the platform above. While doing so, unload your Typhon's Rage arrows into him; that will start knocking off the blue protective spirits that have gathered around him. After you deal enough damage to the golem, it will release a lot of orbs your way, then smash the platform here, which will quickly sink. You have to deal enough damage to him to cause an O-prompt to appear above his head. Guide contains: 27 pages, 194 images. The handle controls two loading docks that can be moved along the outside of the platform, where there are a number of threads hanging. Attack it on both sides of the dock, slice its cheeks in both directions, and you'll eventually be crushed in its grip.

By Matthew Rorie on April 3, 2009 at 10:58AM PDT. This will cause the building to tilt more heavily than it previously did, allowing you to move to the edge of it and use the R1 button to throw the whole thing into the river below. There are two minotaurs here that will be unmelted, but they shouldn’t be a problem for you. What this entails is avoiding its attacks while attacking its hands in return. Doing so will involve a bit of a climb, though. They drop mana orbs when they die, so feel free to use your Cronos' Rage magic, as well. After a dozen or so attacks, the platform will re-raise, allowing you to finish off the beast with more normal attacks. When the grapple point comes down to you, jump to it and let the chains carry you up to the upper part of the floor here. With that done, you can drop down and move the lever that opens this gate. You need to smash the rock here to open up an air vent. When you’ve dealt enough damage to her, you’ll get an O-prompt. When you block a couple of its attacks, hit it two or three times with your Blades of Medusa. We note the general area where the Urns are found below; if you need more detailed directions, skip to the section of the walkthrough and look for the name of the urn Treasures are more unlockable goodies. Take it out the way you did before, rolling away from it when it rotates, then rolling back in to hit it. (You may want to use Poseidon's Rage every now and then on the arms, whether to make yourself temporarily invulnerable if you don't want to bother dodging the Two-Fist Slam, or to free up some mana for when you nab these blue orbs, which are otherwise wasted if you have full mana when you get them.) The golem is immune to the lava damage, so it will start picking up rocks and throwing them at you. Each of the heads of the cerberus will have to be removed individually before the animal keels over, but you'll gain Rage points for doing so, so feel free to use whatever Rage you have built up for the first head and third heads.

You’ll be accosted by fireimps that can grab onto you and firebomb you, as well as some of the heavy soldiers that you’ve been seeing lately. The dogs will attempt to swarm you, but if you keep grabbing them with the O button and kicking them around, you should be able to keep them away from you and deal heavy damage to them, to boot. He can also stomp his hammer into the ground with his foot to cause a large jet of flames to ripple along the ground towards Kratos; you can jump over this attack if you anticipate it.