I've been "stuck" at 269 for two full weeks now, with no real hope of progressing any time soon. We can't do the same for Raids since it only allows solo queueing.I'm a solo player, played 240+hrs on PC destiny 2. But it’s only who happens to be there at the time. If you are into destiny for the naritive you won't be disappointed.

What’s important is that your attacks chip away at the enemy’s shields and then health, giving your teammates an opportunity to move in and finish off the kill or at least provide some form of cover fire. I watched the beta and most seemed to be party. Weapons that kill with one shot are so rare you can almost write them off, and even grenades don’t often kill your enemies quickly. Some are quite lengthy, as you can see from the video. Not knowing anyone else who plays it. I do have friends i can play with but its hard to get our times to mesh. So try to be content with the areas that are available to you, and you may be pleasantly surprised at the loot you find organically, outside the world of organized grinding.

Asked about it in the official thread, got no answer, so here it goes.Absolutely it's worth playing even single player. Destiny 2 offers an awful lot for casual or solo players, but the endgame content is designed for people who are playing often, for a long time, with people they know. But at least strikes match make for you ..Yeah, I have never done a raid in either D1 and D2 but playing solo with the ocassional strike and crucible with randoms is quite doable. From what I saw of the sequel it seems to be similar in nature. Raids and trials can be a lot of fun.Once you get to the endgame you will run out of things to do, it'll get very boring and you'll stop playing. Some high level challenges were a bit annoying but most missions were feasible.

One of the factors in players being uncomfortable playingGet rid of that emotion. I just mess around in the cruicible, do strikes, farm tokens & engrams. – Let’s Play Destiny 2 Episode...This website uses cookies to improve your experience. But in general, you can be casual, you can solo and you can take your time throughout the game. ... Purely solo like in a story mission etc Devour Lock is nigh on unkillable. They are marked on your map yet require a bit of thought how to get inside in some cases. Not sure how that impacts single player.I feel like you're only scratching the surface of how fun this game can be if you're playing solo all the time. I've been browsing Reddit and other sites to decide whether i should get this or not. I used destinyera discord and it helps immensely and people are super friendly. The content hours-wise is there, though it's probably not a focused SP experience.Nope, the single player stuff is the worst content they make imo. The Crucible is where player-versus-player online modes live in And it works well when you’re playing solo. This situation may feel cruel, but every game doesn’t owe you a specific way to get to every piece of content. You can play it solo all you want and go through the campaigns, but many of the endgame activities will require playing with others. I did. For me though I just really like the actual minute to minute mechanics of shooting and moving and using powers, and that's pretty much its own reward, especially in the Crucible. Played the base game with PS+ and had some good fun with the music (! Yay friendship!yea i agree, regardless of how the end game is inaccessible to me, I still don't regret my purchaseI joined a clan through crucible matches but have never been able to do anything with them because there's no in game clan chat and blizzard chat is next to useless :/100.io (or something similar) can't remember off the top of my head was indispensable finding groups for me. There's not a lot in the world you can spend 60 bucks on and get as many hours of entertainment. Here I am to help you get the best of single player action out of Bungie and Activision’s sequel out now for PlayStation 4 and Xbox One and coming soon to PC. So my overall character progression isn't that big of a deal to me and I don't mind grinding for cosmetic stuff.You’ll get much better in Crucible over time, just get in there.Thanks a lot ! It is going to take you a very long time to feel comfortable attempting raids and Nightfall strikes. Thanks everyone. Avoid FOMO. Just wanted to let you know that i'm having a blast going through the campaign/adventures.
You can easily find people to play with. I particularly enjoyed the strike …

Taking that into consideration, you can play the large majority of Destiny 2 as a single player experience, with only really the raids requiring you to seek out other players. The story isn't really any good, but the the gameplay is just so good that it didn't even matter all that much. A big part of destiny’s ethos is playing it cooperatively.

Down the page are the details on each of these elements of Destiny 2. Asked about it in the official thread, got no answer, so here it goes.Start a new thread to share your experiences with like-minded people.We want to create an inspiring environment for our members and have defined a set of guidelines. JavaScript is disabled. We even struggle to agree internally on how long the campaign takes to play hereEnjoy Public Events, or don’t.