Echidna, the mother of monsters, and Ceto, the mother of sea-monsters, are two famous dracaenae. Having monsters to fight, that's what. She turned Medusa into […]The tale of the Minotaur is one of the classics of Greek mythology and contains an extraordinary number of important elements. Greek sailors considered it a very bad omen to see Chimaera. According to Homer’s […]The Harpies were mythical monsters in Greek mythology that had the form of a bird with a human female face; often agents of punishment they abducted people and tortured them on their way to Hades’ domain, employed by the God as instruments for the punishment of the guilty.

They were created by the divine smith, In addition to the famous deities, the ancient Greeks also worshiped a number of deified human beings.

Ancient Greek Monsters. […]Arion was an ancient Greek mythical creature that took the form of a giant, extremely swift horse.

This is my interpretation of one of these creatures.The Hippocampus is a glamourous animal of the ocean. It was the job of Cerberus to guard the entrance to Hades. Some Dracaenae were even known to have had in place of two legs, one (or two) serpent tail. One of the most famous monsters in Greek mythological tales is the Minotaur, the half-bull, half-man, who had a penchant for Athenian youths. Characters like the brilliant Daedalus, strong Theseus, evil King Minos and his beautiful daughter Ariadne all make an appearance in this story. In addition to the famous deities, the ancient Greeks also worshiped a number of deified human beings. He had the monster imprisoned underneath Mount Etna. • Aeternae, creatures with bony, saw-toothed protuberances sprouting from their heads. They were considered the original version of the centaursThis creature is has a combination of a sea horse, horse, and wings of animal. Luckily for the heroes, the Ancient Greeks had the strangest, coolest, most terrifying creatures & monsters mythology had to offer ranging from Dragons, Giants, Demons and Ghosts, to multi-formed creatures such as the Sphinx, Minotaur, Centaurs, Manticores & Chimaera. Known for their bizarre characteristics, Greek mythical creatures have been the subject of popular culture for thousands of years. One of the most well known may be the three-headed dog known as Cerberus. Updated daily.Check out these 24 awesome greek mythology creatures with pictures.Ophiotaurus is a creature from Greek mythology. Afterward, Hera put Argus's eyes in the tail of the peacock, her favorite bird. The sphinx is most familiar from surviving monuments from ancient Egypt, but it also shows up in Greek myth in the city of Thebes, in the story of Oedipus. Her trouble began when her exquisite beauty drew the attention of Zeus. Some artists drew Sirens that had bodies of birds with the heads of women, while others made them look like women […] These mythical monsters are some of the strangest, most bizarre, and terrifying creations ever, ranging from glorified animals to humanoid mythical creatures. She went against her vow and married him.

Dec 3, 2018 - Explore Dragon Sabater's board "Greek Monsters" on Pinterest. They will eventually become favorites of the god, forgers of his thunderbolts, […]In Greek mythology, Scylla (pronounced “Sill-ah” or “Skee-lah”, depending on what country you live in) is a sea monster who lives on the rocks of a narrow water channel opposite of the whirlpool (and originally also a sea monster) Charybdis. They are usually depicted without wings.

A host of legendary creatures, animals and mythic humanoids occur in ancient Greek mythology.

See more ideas about Creatures, Mythological creatures, Mythical creatures. He was killed by Hermes. For example, Alabandus at Alabanda, Tenes at Tenedos, Leucothea and her son Palaemon were worshiped throughout Greece.

Contact: marc.knelsen@gmail.comSéverine PINEAUX : peinture et illustration : fantastique, science fiction, imaginaire, dragons, arbre de vie ..., ,Baby Beastiary, Rudy Siswanto — Киллан Трегарт — @дневники: асоциальная сетьBellérophon, Pégase et la Chimère. 10 Legendary Greek Mythological Creatures by Ejaz Khan Belong to the ancient Greeks, concerning their gods and heroes, the nature of the world, and the origins and significance of their own cult and ritual practices, Greek mythology is known for some extremely out of this world mythology. Each Siren combined the appearance of a woman and a bird, with the exact appearance varying depending on the artist. Cetea were sea monsters. It was the job of Cerberus to guard the entrance to Hades. Ships caught in between Scylla and Charybdis often end up being sunk by either Scylla […]The Sirens were creatures that sang beautifully, luring those passing by to their deaths. DeviantArt is the world's largest online social community for artists and art enthusiasts, allowing people to connect through the creation and sharing of art.CENTAURS - One of a race of monsters having the head, arms, and trunk of a man and the body and legs of a horse.Ipotane: In Greek Mythology they were a rare of half horse half humans.