At the Batcave, Bruce investigates Gotham's suicide rate, which is higher than any other place in America. Infiltrating the Powers Hotel, Batman interrogates Maria Powers, knowing she and her husband are members of the Court.

After his apparent death, James Gordon would leave the role of Commissioner and become a new Batman, albeit one officially supported by the GCPD. Meanwhile, the Bat-family are gassed and attack each other but manage to fight off the gas's influence. While tied down in the center of the encampment, next to the corpse of a giant bat. Many of the major Batman storylines since the 1990s have been inter-title crossovers that run for a number of issues. Luthor also convinces Deathstroke to join their group; while Sinestro, who has killed Power Ring, joins them as well. In the storyline's first phase, the new villain 1994's company-wide crossover Zero Hour changes aspects of DC continuity again, including those of Batman. Batman also tells Superman that Cyborg and Martian Manhunter are doing an autopsy to prove his death was not Superman's fault. In 2005 writers resurrected the Jason Todd character and have pitted him against his former mentor. Doctor Light tries to stop the hostilities, but ends up absorbing Superman's solar energy and unintentionally attacks Wonder Woman. After he was attacked by With his father urging him to give up his life as Batman, Bruce decided to propose to Selina. As they depart, Superman states that they have to catch up with Batman before he can return to the present on his own or the world will be in great danger.

Wonder Woman has put the Justice League on Black alert - when Batman makes his way to the present, something terrible will happen.

Red Robin recounts how the current Batman found the cape of the original in a cave, 11,000 years old by radiocarbon dating. S. Rosenberg evaluated his actions and problems to determine if they reach the level of mental disorders. Batman once again becomes a member of the Justice League during Grant Morrison's 1996 relaunch of the series, titled JLA. "About a year later he was almost the full figure, my mature Batman", Kane said.The early, pulp-inflected portrayal of Batman started to soften in By 1942, the writers and artists behind the Batman comics had established most of the basic elements of the Batman mythos.Batman was one of the few superhero characters to be continuously published as interest in the genre waned during the 1950s. Batman uses a Sinestro Corps ring to fight Power Ring, but the ring's charge quickly runs out and Power Ring destroys the ring. The only exception to this is Bruce's adopted son In Blackest Night, the villain Black Hand is seen digging up Bruce Wayne's body, stealing his skull, and recruiting it into the Black Lantern Corps. Angry, Batman attacks Luthor; however, the Syndicate's prisoner is revealed to be Alexander Luthor, who has the power of Mazahs. Wonder Woman states that they need to find Pandora to find out what her box really is. The Joker says that Batman's care for his allies has made him weak, so he plans to kill them all in the next 72 hours. Choosing to save the group's lives over Nightwing's, Luthor apparently kills him and the bomb is stopped. Throughout the tales, Batman always acted for the good of others, never using his abilities for his own personal gain. Though Golden Age/Earth-Two Batman was (mostly) erased from history, many stories of Batman's Silver Age/Earth-One career remained canonical in the post-Crisis universe, with his origins … Bob Kane noted that, as a result, DC was "planning to kill Batman off altogether".That year Dennis O'Neil took over as editor of the Batman titles and set the template for the portrayal of Batman following DC's status quo-altering miniseries The Batman comics garnered major attention in 1988 when DC Comics created a Another writer who rose to prominence on the Batman comic series, was In September 2011, DC Comics' entire line of superhero comic books, including its Various modern stories have portrayed the extravagant, playboy image of Bruce Wayne as a facade.Writers of Batman and Superman stories have often compared and contrasted the two. After spending some time in Arkham, Batman breaks out of his cell and help Ivy escape. "'I'm Not Fooled By That Cheap Disguise.'" p. 186.Pearson; Uricchio. The Talon takes Batman to a room full of members of the Court, who decide to break Batman. Although manifested differently by being re-told by different artists, it is nevertheless that the details and the prime components of Batman's origin have never varied at all in the comic books, the "reiteration of the basic origin events holds together otherwise divergent expressions".Batman is often treated as a vigilante by other characters in his stories.

One day I called Bill and said, 'I have a new character called the Bat-Man and I've made some crude, elementary sketches I'd like you to look at.' Batman comes to a room of caskets, but does not open them, wishing to solve the rest of the mystery first. Still, Bruce says that even though the Court tried to destroy everything he believed in, there was one thing the Court could never break: his belief in his parents. The character became popular soon after his introduction in 1939 and gained his own comic book title, Kane and Finger drew upon contemporary 1930s popular culture for inspiration regarding much of the Bat-Man's look, personality, methods, and weaponry. Batman later visits Gordon, who was designated as Joker's next victim. While Dick Grayson's past remains much the same, the history of Jason Todd, the second Robin, is altered, turning the boy into the orphan son of a petty crook, who tries to steal the tires from the Batmobile. By the next day, Batman believes that the Court's death is some kind of setup, as all the Court's money was transferred to another account. Scholars William Uricchio and Roberta E. Pearson noted in the early 1990s, \"Unlike some fictional characters, the Batman has no primary urtext set in a specific period, but has rather existed in a plethora of equally valid texts constan… While Lex Luthor rebuilds Gotham at the end of the "No Man's Land" storyline, he then frames Bruce Wayne for murder in the "Bruce Wayne: Murderer?" Afterwards, they make their way to the Wayne Enterprises building, where they come across Lex Luthor, Bizarro, Captain Cold, Black Manta and Black Adam. The young Boy of the tribe takes the Man of Bats belt to prevent him from running off, because he thinks the Man of Bats is their savior.